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双重写作问题,问题讨论和获得解决方案的真相来源 / Source of truth for your Dual-write questions, issues discussions, and get resolutions

网络文摘 William 383402浏览 0评论
If you happen to stuck with any issue with the Dual-write implementation from on how and where to start with dual-write - The source of truth is a yammer group https://www.yammer.com/dynamicsaxfeedbackprograms/#/threads/inGroup?type=in_group&feedId=16038053 runs by Microsoft Dual-write product team. FILES tab in the group contains all A-Z documentation. Get your questions answered today by various experts including MS dual-write product team. You can even raise your live issue with them in the yammer group and they connect with you in no time - very much useful!!



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