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Download large bacpac (sandbox database) to DEV environment much faster

网络文摘 William 944浏览 0评论
As the LCS website gets slower and slower and the database backups get bigger and bigger. Use AZCopy to download objects out of LCS asset library. it is an incredibly quickly vs manually downloading the files (>1min for a gig vs 1 hour+)
   Download AZCopy to the environment (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-use-azcopy-v10?toc=/azure/storage/files/toc.json#download-azcopyand user the PowerShell command: .\azcopy copy "LCS SAS Link" "LocalPath" D The only issue I noticed is that the local path had to be into a folder, not the root of the drive (so "C:\Temp" not "C:\" which is more related to windows security then anything else. Below is the example: Extract AzCopy zip folder to C:\Temp folder
Extract It took 3 minutes to download almost 18 GB of data file - WOW feeling :)



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