[译]AX 批处理作业 多线程并行——第一部分
William 8年前 (2017-03-14) 2470浏览 0评论
Dynamics AX 2012 和 AX 2009 都支持将批处理作业分解为小的可管理片段,并行进行处理。并行处理对于提高批处理作业的吞吐量和响应时间,以及提高批处理作业窗口至关重要。有几种不同的方法都可以将一个大的批处理作业拆散为小任务。下面罗列...
William 8年前 (2017-03-14) 2470浏览 0评论
Dynamics AX 2012 和 AX 2009 都支持将批处理作业分解为小的可管理片段,并行进行处理。并行处理对于提高批处理作业的吞吐量和响应时间,以及提高批处理作业窗口至关重要。有几种不同的方法都可以将一个大的批处理作业拆散为小任务。下面罗列...
alirazazaidi 11年前 (2014-02-16) 4314浏览
Create and post Vendor Invoice Journals from code as follow. static void createVendorInvoiceJournal(Args _args) { LedgerJourn...
alirazazaidi 11年前 (2014-02-14) 2526浏览
A year ago, I have to write a custom AIF service, where I have to extract All customer in Particular Legal Entity. For this p...
alirazazaidi 12年前 (2013-11-04) 5786浏览 0评论
Today I found the link on Microsoft website, where they upload the Entity Relationship diagrams for dynamics Ax 2012 table. M...
alirazazaidi 12年前 (2013-11-04) 2157浏览 0评论
Recently I made a new Virtual machine for dynamics Ax 2012. The issue was the VM was clean, no legal entity and no step up da...
alirazazaidi 12年前 (2013-10-26) 2106浏览 0评论
Microsoft dynamics ax 2012 development introduction part 2/3 from Ali Raza Zaidi
alirazazaidi 12年前 (2013-10-20) 2206浏览 0评论
My Presentation on Dynamics AX 2012 Development Introduction. Microsoft dynamics ax 2012 development introduction part 1/3 ...
alirazazaidi 12年前 (2013-09-22) 3072浏览 0评论
In Dynamics Ax 2012, there is form for configuration parameters. There parameters will further use in sending email. Followin...
alirazazaidi 12年前 (2013-09-11) 2041浏览 0评论
While working, the question aries in my mind, how many tables and view exists in default dynamics Ax 2012, with out any custo...
alirazazaidi 12年前 (2013-07-01) 7247浏览 0评论
Dynamics Ax 2012 provide the functionality to log insert update and delete functionality on table as well as selected filed o...
Peter Villadsen 13年前 (2011-12-08) 2596浏览
At a Dynamics AX conference in summer 2011, I was asked for guidance on when to use C# compiled to .NET Framework CIL, ...
Karl Simonsen 14年前 (2011-10-06) 2925浏览
In X++ you can optionally declare a string to have a specified maximum length: str 5 maxLen5String; Semantical...
Andres Martinez Andrade 14年前 (2011-09-08) 5381浏览
The global methods buf2con and con2buf are used on X++ to convert table buffers into containers and vice versa. New functiona...
Marcos Calderon M 14年前 (2011-08-02) 7335浏览
In this post I want to cover some of the core functional aspects of the new delegates feature introduced in AX 2012. X++ dele...