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Changing the automatic scheduling direction when starting a production order that has not been scheduled.

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Historically, there has been no user option or global setup for selecting or defaulting a scheduling direction used for automatic scheduling when the scheduling step is skipped on a production order. However, KB 3070997 and CU 10 for AX 2012 have introduced new functionality that can be used to influence the scheduling direction with the start process on a production order. There is still no separate setup option, but now you can save the scheduling direction option used with the scheduling process into usage data, and that will then be used in the start process. With these changes you can now change the scheduling direction when you start a production order when the production order hasn’t been previously scheduled by going through the following steps:

  1. Set usage data for Operation scheduling. ****Note, you may need to go through this step for Job scheduling as well. It depends on your scheduling method that has been specified for Automatic updates which can be found under Production control | Setup | Production control parameters (by site), and then clicking on the Automatic update option from the left hand navigation. The start process will look to this setup to determine which type of automatic scheduling to do, and will pull the usage data from the corresponding set up form for scheduling.
    1. From the Operation scheduling form (or Job scheduling form) accessed from the Production order form (Production control | Common | Production orders | All production orders), click on the Default values button.
    2. In the Set up operations scheduling form, select the desired operation scheduling direction and other parameters.
    3. Click the User default button to save the defaults.
    4. Click the Apply button.
    5. Click the OK button to save and close the form.
    6. You can then cancel out of the Operations scheduling form without running scheduling if you are just creating the usage data.
  2. Set usage data for the Start process.
    1. From the Start form accessed from the Production order form (Production control | Common | Production orders | All production orders), click on the Default values button.
    2. Set values as desired.
    3. Click the User default button. ****Note that there is no selection for the scheduling direction, but clicking the User default button is critical as this will pull the value from the scheduling usage data set in earlier steps.
    4. Click the Apply button.
    5. Click the OK button.

Unless you reset usage data, after going through the above steps a single time, you should be able to start production orders, and have them use the specified scheduling direction when they have not been previously scheduled without having to go through the steps ever again since the information should now be held in usage data.




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