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When you create a route card journal the resource is not defaulting as the resource group that was listed as the resource requirement.

网络文摘 William 2390浏览 0评论


This could be working correctly if the following factors are true:

  1. The resource requirement was a resource group.
  2. The ‘Update capacity plan’ option is enabled on the journals tab of the Production control parameters form.
  3. Previous Route card journals have been posted to meet/exceed the capacity reservations.


When the above is true it could be working as designed that the first resource alphabetically defaults on to new route card journals. Normally route card journals default the resource from the capacity reservations. With the ‘Update capacity plan’ option enabled, when the capacity is completely consumed, the capacity reservations are removed, and they are no longer available for reference. When this happens the resource will be pulled alphabetically from the list of possible resources.


A couple of ways around this:

  1. Unmark the update capacity plan option. Capacity reservations are then maintained and available for reference for the route cards. This is a business decision that has other implications and would therefore need to be researched and tested.
  2. Use specific resources as the resource requirement. When specific resources are used, they are then available in the production route table, and can be defaulted onto new route card journals from there. Again this is a business decision that has other implications and it should therefore be researched and tested before making any adjustments to setup.
  3. Manually update the resource on the route card.



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