You may see the error ‘The table NoSaleFiscalDocumentTransaction_BRT does not exist’ when attempting to sync the metadata via the ‘Sync Metadata’ (Figure 1) in AX 2012 R3 Retail (Figure 2) This is because the temporary table for the tables in question need to be run. The ‘…T’ at the end of the error (.._BRT in this case) indicates its temporary for the main table. The tables where these are created are determined through the subjobs for that PJob. So you’ll need to do this when you add tables to sync back/forth between the POS and AX. You generate these temporary tables by clicking on the ‘Create staging table’ button in the scheduler job form (Figure 3). You only need to do this for ‘Pull’ type schedule jobs. You can determine which these are via the ‘Is Upload’ check box. Best practices dictates that your Pjobs should always be named with the prefix ‘P-…’ if the ‘Is Upload’ box is checked. NOTE: When you click ‘Create staging table’, there are AOT objects created. Make sure you are in the correct layer/model where you want these created. Upon clicking on the ‘Create staging table’ button, you will see the information in Figure 4. The tables are created in the AOT. You can verify if you want. Then go back and hit the ‘Sync metadata’ button and you’ll see the successful sync in Figure 5.

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