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[转] Error When Deploying Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Reports: The user or Group ’Contoso\Administrator’ is not recognized.

网络文摘 William 2044浏览 0评论

I was preparing a customer demo just recently and faced difficulties when deploying standard SSRS reports to Reporting Services. Error text was: Publish-AXReport : The user or group name ‘CONTOSO\Administrator’ is not recognized.


I was using database that I had backed up from Demo virtual machine and that was the problem. There was still a record in the database at [dbo]. [SYSSERVERSESSIONS] even I had removed all the relations to original AOS from the configuration forms. I needed to remove that. On my installation with only one AOS servier I had 2 rows in the table:


I just removed the first one and renamed AX-3 to be serverid: 1. After that reports deployed ok.

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