This post provides an excellent example of how to set a form control value in X++. It also demonstrates how to control the visibility of form controls in X++. Additionally, it explains how to obtain the reference of a form control on the caller form to get its value in a simple and elegant manner.
Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
Business requirement:
Default vendor account from Purchase Order to Add Products form.
We can use the following code to set the default value of a form control on a given form based on the form control from the caller form. In this scenario, we’re defaulting control value from Purchase Order form to Add Products form.
internal final class ATLAS_RetailAddItems_Form_EventHandler
/// <summary>
/// Defaults vendor from PO to Add Products screen. Apr 14, 24 MK
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
[FormEventHandler(formStr(RetailAddItems), FormEventType::Initialized)]
public static void RetailAddItems_OnInitialized(xFormRun sender, FormEventArgs e)
FormStringControl ATLAS_ApprovedVendorControl;
FormDataSource purchTable_ds;
PurchTable purchTable;
FormRun callerFormRun;
FormRun formRun;
formRun = sender;
callerFormRun = formRun.args().caller();
if (callerFormRun.name() == formStr(PurchTable))
purchTable_ds = callerFormRun.dataSource(formDataSourceStr(PurchTable, PurchTable)) as FormDataSource;
purchTable = purchTable_ds.cursor() as PurchTable;
if (purchTable)
ATLAS_ApprovedVendorControl = formRun.control(formRun.controlId(formControlStr(RetailAddItems, ATLAS_ApprovedVendor)));
formRun.control(formRun.controlId(formControlStr(RetailAddItems, ATLAS_VSplitterFilter))).visible(false);
formRun.control(formRun.controlId(formControlStr(RetailAddItems, ATLAS_MiddleGroup))).visible(false);