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[AX2012] Moving Project to a diferent Model

网络文摘 William 1854浏览 0评论


Moving a project to a different model causes Ax to move all the objects inside it to that model as well.

You could instead create a new project in the Model you want it and then drag all the objects into that. You will lose all the metadata of the project including timestamps.

Another way is to move just the object related to the Project to the right model.

For that use the following steps

    1. Copy the Name of the Project
    2. Find the ModelId you want to move it into. You can use Get-AxModel command for this. (this should be within the same Layer)
    3. Open SQL and find the Element handle of the Project. Use the following command to do that
      -- Find the Element Handle
      -- ElementType 37 = SharedProject
      select top 10 * from ModelElement
      where Name = 'PUT_YOUR_PROJECT_NAME_HERE'
      and ElementType = 37
    4. Once you get just one record from the above code, then run the following command to make sure that the element is the correct one (It should have the modelId which is the current model it is in)
      -- Set the Element Handle
      set @ELEMENT_Handle = (select ElementHandle from ModelElement where name = 'PUT_YOUR_PROJECT_NAME_HERE')
      select @ELEMENT_HANDLE
      -- Find the element data and check the Model id
      select * from ModelElementData where ElementHandle = @ELEMENT_HANDLE
    5. If you get just one record then we should be good to move the element to the right model
      -- Set the Element Handle
      set @ELEMENT_Handle = (select ElementHandle from ModelElement where name = 'PUT_YOUR_PROJECT_NAME_HERE')
      select @ELEMENT_HANDLE
      -- Find the element data and check the Model id
      select * from ModelElementData where ElementHandle = @ELEMENT_HANDLE
      -- Move the Model
      -- Change 20 to the ModelId you want the element to be in
      Update ModelElementData set ModelId = 20 where ElementHandle = @ELEMENT_HANDLE


Filed under: Ax 2012, SQL Tagged: ax 2012, AX2012, Dynamics Ax, Models

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