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扩展 SalesTable2Line 框架 (Dynamics 365 财务 / 供应链) / Extend SalesTable2Line Framework (Dynamics 365 Finance / SCM)

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This is an update to my older post how to extend the SalesTable 2 Line framework. The big difference is that in Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM overlaying is not supported and extensions and delegates need to be used. This post uses the same use case. A sales-notes field from the SalesTable needs to be updated in the SalesLines if it is configured so. Download the sample source code: https://erpcoder.blog/source-code/

Extend the data model

Create a new string datatype and call it ERPSalesNote. Extend the SalesLine and add the ERPSalesNote datatype to the list of fields. Extend the SalesTable and add the ERPSalesNote to the fields. Also add the ERPSalesNote field to the field group HeaderToLineUpdate.

Extend the user interface

Extend the SalesTable form. Place the SalesTable.ERPSalesNote in the Delivery group of the HeaderView tab.
Add the SalesLine.ERPSalesNote field to the delivery group in the LineView tab.

Prepare the update-order-lines dialog

The dialog to choose if and which fields need to be updates at the lines is generated automatically based on the HeaderToLineUpdate field group. There is some code needed to show the fields name in the dialog. This is done by subscribing a custom method to the delegate SalesTable2LineField.lineUpdateDescriptionDelegate
Create a new class that returns a name for the ERPSalesNote field.
class ERPSalesTable2LineField
[SubscribesTo(classStr(SalesTable2LineField), delegateStr(SalesTable2LineField,lineUpdateDescriptionDelegate))]
public static void lineUpdateDescriptionDelegate(FieldId _fieldId, TableId _tableId, EventHandlerResult _result)
  if(_tableId == tableNum(SalesTable) &&
  _fieldId == fieldNum(SalesTable,ERPSalesNote))
    _result.result("Sales Note");
Open the Header to Line update dialog by clicking on Accounts receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parameters > Tab update > update order lines

Extend the framework classes

Create an extension for the AxSalesTable class and create a parm method for the ERPSalesNote field
final class AxSalesTable_Extension
public ERPSalesNote parmERPSalesNote(ERPSalesNote _salesNote = "")
  if (!prmisDefault(_salesNote))
    this.setField(fieldNum(SalesTable, ERPSalesNote), _salesNote);
  return salesTable.ERPSalesNote;
Create an extension for the AxSalesLine class. Implement a parm and set method. Use the chain of command pattern to extend the setTableFields method.
final class AxSalesLine_Extension
public ERPSalesNote parmERPSalesNote(ERPSalesNote _salesNote = "")
  if (!prmisDefault(_salesNote))
    this.setField(fieldNum(SalesLine, ERPSalesNote), _salesNote);
  return salesLine.ERPSalesNote; 
protected void setERPSalesNote() 
  if (this.isMethodExecuted(funcname(), fieldnum(SalesLine, ERPSalesNote))) 
  if (this.isAxSalesTableFieldsSet() || 
      this.axSalesTable().isFieldModified(fieldnum(SalesTable, ERPSalesNote))) 
protected void setTableFields() 
  next setTableFields(); 

Test your implementation

Make sure that the update method in the parameter is set to prompt. Open an existing sales order. Change to Header view and switch to edit mode. Change the notes in the delivery tab and save.
A dialog pops up and asks to update the lines. Click yes.
Check the sales note field in the sales line. The note field at the sales line should be updated with your text from the header.



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