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通过Power Apps在Dynamics 365 Finance中加载上下文相关的Power BI磁贴 / Load context-sensitive Power BI tiles in Dynamics 365 Finance via Power Apps

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Power BI goes hand in hand with Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management. By default Power BI can be used within workspaces and Dynamics 365 comes with a data warehouse and a large set of reports and dashboards. But wouldn’t it be nice to show Power BI visuals in common forms and filter on the active record? This can be done without coding by using Power Apps:
D365 Parameter to Power BI filter
Dynamics 365 Finance is capable to load Power Apps and pass parameters to the App, while Power Apps can load PowerBI reports and pass a filter to Power BI.

Create a Power BI report

Create a report that can be drilled down to the granularity you want to display in Dynamics 365 Finance. For example if you want to show customer specific information, your report should support filtering on a customer account. For example I’m using the SalesInvoiceV2Lines and ReleasedProductsV2 entities. The SalesInvoiceV2Lines comes with a table reference to the SalesInvoiceHeaders where the invoice account is stored. The ReleasedProductsV2 can be linked to the lines via the product number.
Dynamics 365 Finance SalesInvoiceV2Lines entity in Power Query editor
Next create the desired visuals. For example a column chart for the revenue by Year and a donut chart for the revenue by product group. Add a filter and inspect the different results you would expect for differnt customers.
Revenue by Year and Product Group
Save and Publish the report. Open the report in Power BI Online and pin the two visuals on a new dashboard. Make sure to give the visuals on the dashboard a useful title and subtitle.
Power BI tiles on a dashboard

Power Apps

Everything comes together in Power Apps. Here the parameter from Dynamics 365 Finance is stored in a variable and passed as filter to Power BI. Open Power Apps via https://make.powerapps.com and create a new canvas app. I’d suggest to use the smart phone layout. According to the documentation add the following code to the OnLoad in Power Apps. This will store the parameter value from Dynamics to a Power Apps variable called FinOpsInput. (Depending on your local settings you may need to replace , with ; in PowerApps)
    Set(FinOpsInput, Param("EntityId")), 
    Set(FinOpsInput, "")
Read parameter from Dynamics 365 Finance in Power Apps
Next, add the Power BI tiles. From the ribbon go to Insert > Diagram > Power BI. Insert a Power BI tile to the empty screen. Choose your workspace, next the dashboard and finally the tile.
Insert a Power BI tile in Power Apps
The Power BI tile is referenced via an URL. This can be edited by selecting the Power BI tile and switch to Advanced. The syntax is:
&filter=TableName/FieldName eq 'YourValue'
Add a filter on the customer account with the values from the FinOpsInput variable as value. Make sure that the filter matches the field in your Power BI report. For example this would look like the following URL in my example:
"https://app.powerbi.com/embed?dashboardId=d496ce2a-5836-4fc2-a3e9-34a5c1cdd674&tileId=7f1aa48a-e2f8-4eef-a59f-56a0e873e143&config=eyJjbHVzdGVyVXJsIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9XQUJJLU5PUlRILUVVUk9QRS1yZWRpcmVjdC5hbmFseXNpcy53aW5kb3dzLm5ldCIsImVtYmVkRmVhdHVyZXMiOnsibW9kZXJuRW1iZWQiOmZhbHNlfX0%3d&filter=SalesInvoiceV2Lines/InvoiceAccount eq '"& FinOpsInput &"'"
Save and publish your App. From the list of your Apps, open the details page of your app and copy the App ID.
Power App Details
Copy the App-ID from the details page

Add the Power App in Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain

Logon to Dynamics 365 Finance and navigate to the screen where you want to display the Power BI tiles. In my example I’d choose Module Accounts Receivable > All Customers. In the upper right at the ribbon click on the Power App button and select add an App.
Add a Power App to Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management
In the Add an app dialog provide a useful name. Paste the App-ID in the second field. From the context dropdown select the field to pass as parameter to Power Apps. In my case this would be the AccountNum. Finish by clicking on Insert.
Dynamics 365 Finance requires a reload of the page (F5). Test your Power App by selecting a record and the from the Power Apps button open the Power App. It will load the Power App and present the filtered Power BI tiles.



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