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在Dynamics 365 FO 中打印物料的客户描述标签 / Print Customer and Item specific labels in Dynamics 365 FO

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This is an example how to print customer and item specific labels in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. The labels shall be printed directly within the sales order form at the sales line grid.

Configuration Table

Create a new table containing the following five fields. The table will hold the configuration which report and design to use for which combination of customer and item

Field Purpose
CustAccount Reference to the Customer
ItemId Reference to an Item
ReportName Name of the SSRS report to use
ReportDesign Name of the report design
IsDefault NoYes

Create Report Classes

Create a new class called ItemLabelContract, which will be the data contract class for the report. It contains the number of labels to be printed, the SalesId and the LineNum to reference the calling SalesLine.

class ItemLabelContract
NumberOf numberOf;
SalesId salesId;
LineNum lineNum;

public NumberOf parmNumberOf(NumberOf _numberOfLabels = numberOf)
numberOf = _numberOfLabels;
return numberOf;

public SalesId parmSalesId(SalesId _salesId = SalesId)
SalesId = _salesId;
return SalesId;

public LineNum parmLinNum(LineNum _lineNum = LineNum)
LineNum = _lineNum;
return LineNum;


Create a new controller class called ItemLabelContract. This class will be called from the menu item in the sales order form. It takes the SalesLine as parameter and decides which report and design to use.

class ItemLabelController extends SrsReportRunController
public static void main(Args _args)
ItemLabelSetup setup;
SalesLine salesLine = _args.record();

ItemLabelController ctrl = new ERPItemLabelController();

        select firstonly setup where
setup.CustAccount == SalesLine.salesTable().CustAccount &&
setup.ItemId == SalesLine.ItemId;

if(setup.RecId == 0)
select firstonly setup where
setup.CustAccount == SalesLine.salesTable().CustAccount &&
setup.ItemId == „“;

        if(setup.RecId == 0)
select firstonly setup where setup.ItemId == SalesLine.ItemId &&
setup.CustAccount == „“;

        if(setup.RecId == 0)
select firstonly setup where setup.IsDefault == NoYes::Yes;

if(setup.RecId == 0)
error(„No report selected“);
str reportName = strFmt(„%1.%2″,



    protected void prePromptModifyContract()
ItemLabelContract contract =
this.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract() as ItemLabelContract;

SalesLine salesLine = this.parmArgs().record();




Create a temporary (InMemory) table called ItemLabelTmp for the report data set including the following five columns:

Field Purpose
ItemId Item Id
ItemName Name
ItemBarcode Barcode value
BarcodeString Encoded barcode string
VendName Name of the vendor, here “Contoso”

Create the report data provide class. Overwrite the prePromptModify method and populate the contract with the number of labels to print taken from the SalesQty, the SalesId and LineNum.

class ItemLabelDP extends SrsReportDataProviderBase
ItemLabelTmp        itemLabelTmp;

public ItemLabelTmp getItemLabelTmp()
select * from itemLabelTmp;
return itemLabelTmp;

    public void processReport()
ItemLabelContract contract = this.parmDataContract()
as ItemLabelContract;
SalesLine salesLine;

        select firstonly SalesLine where
SalesLine.SalesId == contract.parmSalesId() &&
SalesLine.LineNum == contract.parmLinNum();

        BarCodeString bcstring = „“;
InventItemBarcode itemBarcode = InventItemBarcode::findItemId(

if(ItemBarCode.RecId > 0)
Barcode barcode = Barcode::construct(BarcodeSetup::find(
bcstring = Barcode.barcodeStr();

        for(int i = 0; i < contract.parmNumberOf(); i++)
itemLabelTmp.ItemId = SalesLine.ItemId;
itemLabelTmp.ItemName = SalesLine.itemName();
itemLabelTmp.ItemBarCode = SalesLine.BarCode;
itemLabelTmp.VendName = „Contoso“;
itemLabelTmp.BarCodeString = bcstring;



Create a report with multiple designs

Create a new report and add the report data provider class as source. Create at least two designs. In this example I’ve created two designs, a small and and  large label.

Small Item Label Design

Large Item Label Design

Create Menu Items and Forms

Create a new form using a the Simple List pattern to manipulate the configuration table form. Create a new display menu item for the form and add it e.g. to the accounts receivable module.

Configuration form in Dynamics 365 FO

Create a form extension for the SalesTable form. Create an output menu item form the ItemLabelController class and add it to SalesTable extension e.g. Main > TabPageDetails > DetailsTab > LineView > LineViewTab > LineViewLines > LinesActionPaneStrip > LineOverviewActionTab . Make sure to set the SalesLine as Datasource for the Menu Item.

Menu Item in SalesTable form

Test the labels

Create new sales orders and test the different configurations and labels. Here is a Youtube example.

Youtube Link for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Demo




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