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Microsoft Dynamics AX Help – Getting started

网络文摘 William 2024浏览 0评论

Microsoft Dynamics AX includes an entirely new Help system that is based on two main components:

  • A wiki
  • Task guides

You can access both wiki articles and task guides from the Help pane in Dynamics AX as shown in the following screen shot.

Dynamics AX page with visible help

This article describes the Help system, and explains how you can create custom documentation and training resources for your organization.

The wiki

The Dynamics AX Help wiki (ax.help.dynamics.com) is the primary source of product documentation for Dynamics AX. The wiki offers the following features:

  • Access to the most up-to-date content – The wiki gives us a faster and more flexible way to create, deliver, and update product documentation. Therefore, it helps guarantee that you have access to the latest technical information.
  •  Content that is written by experts – The wiki provides a richer set of product documentation that can be enhanced by community members both inside and outside Microsoft.
  •  Access to different types of content – The wiki lets you quickly access different types of content about Dynamics AX, such as Microsoft Office Mix presentations, task guides, videos, and wiki articles.
  •  Content that supports your business processes – The wiki includes business process–focused content that takes advantage of the Business Process Modeler (BPM) in Microsoft Dynamics AX Lifecycle Services (LCS).

We’re very excited about our new wiki and hope that you will be too.

When can we use it?

You can read content on the wiki right now — it is fully public and searchable without requiring sign-in. You can use any of your favorite search engines to find content.

You can comment, or contribute additional content to the wiki if you choose, by signing in with a Microsoft account (Hotmail, LiveID, or Outlook.com account) associated with an MSDN profile.

What’s not in the wiki yet?

Your content and feedback! Here is a peek at the home page of the wiki. We also don’t have translated content available yet.

Wiki home page

How can I set up RSS feeds?

RSS feeds are easy to set up for wiki content. The following table lists RSS feeds for the wiki, and describes how to create your own feeds. Note that not all browsers support RSS feeds (Edge and Chrome do not, Internet Explorer does). You can use your favorite feed reader to consume RSS feeds.

Description Feed URL
New posts https://ax.help.dynamics.com/en/revisions/
Updates to a particular wiki topic https://ax.help.dynamics.com/en/wiki/pagename/revisions

Example RSS feed for the Help and UI home page:

New topics for a specific audience https://ax.help.dynamics.com/en/feed/?post_type=incsub_wiki& wds_audience=audience

Example RSS feed for Developer topics:
https://ax.help.dynamics.com/en/feed/?post_type=incsub_wiki& wds_audience=developer

New topics for a specific industry https://ax.help.dynamics.com/en/feed/?post_type=incsub_wiki&wds_industry=industry

Example RSS feed for Distribution topics:

New topics for a specific wiki category https://ax.help.dynamics.com/en/feed/?post_type=incsub_wiki&incsub_wiki_category=capability

Example RSS feed for BI topics:

New topics for a specific country/region https://ax.help.dynamics.com/en/feed/?post_type=incsub_wiki&wds_country_region=country_region

Example RSS feed for Australian topics:

Audience values for RSS feeds: Application user (user), Developer, IT Pro (itpro)

Industry values for RSS feads: Distribution, Manufacturing , Retail, Public sector (publicsector), Service industries (services)

Category values for RSS feeds: Accounts payable (accounts-payable), Accounts receivable (accounts-receivable), Analytics, Bank and cash management (bank-and-cash-management), Batch orders (batch-orders), BI & Reporting (bi), Budgeting, Call center (call-center-retail), Channels, Commerce essentials (commerce-essentials), Consolidations, Cost management (costmanagement), Credit and Collections (credit-and-collections), Credit and collections (credit-and-collections), Customer service (customer-service), Data management (data-management), Development, Dimensions, Discrete manufacturing (discrete-manufacturing), Distribution & warehousing (distribution-warehousing), Embedded BI (embedded-bi), Expense management (expense-management), Financial management (financials), Financial reporting (financial-reporting), Fixed assets (fixed-assets), Fleet management example application (fleet-management), General ledger (general-ledger), Human Capital Management (hcm), Inventory management (inventory-management), Lean manufacturing (lean-manufacturing), Lifecycle Services (lifecycle-services-capability), Localization, Management reporter (management-reporter), Manufacturing, Master planning (master-planning), Mobile & Windows Apps (mobileandwindowsapps), Organization administration (organization-administration), Payment processing (payment-processing), Payroll, Power BI integration (powerbi-integration), Process manufacturing (process-manufacturing), Procurement & Sourcing (procurementandsourcing), Product Information Management (productinformationmanagement), Production control (production-control), Project management and accounting (project-management-and-accounting), Projects, Questionnaire, Retail, Sales, Sales marketing and customer service (salesmarketingcustomerservice), Sales tax (sales-tax), Service management (servicemanagement), System administration (system-administration), Tax, Time and attendance (time-and-attendance), Trade allowance management (trade-allowance-management), Transportation management (transportation-management), Travel & Expense (travelandexpense), UI, Warehouse management (warehouse-management)

Country/Region values for RSS feads: Australia (aus), Austria (aut), Belgion (bel), Brazil (bra), Canada (can), China (chn), Czech Republic (cze), Denmark (dnk), Estonia (est), Finland (fin), France (fra), Germany (deu), Hungary (hun), Iceland (isl), India (ind), Ireland (irl), Italy (ita), Japan (jpn), Latvia (lva), Lithuania (ltu), Malaysia (mys), Mexico (mex), Netherlands (nld), New Zealand (nzl), Norway (nor), Poland (pol), Russia (rus), Saudia Arabia (sau), Singapore (sgp), South Africa (zaf), Spain (esp), Sweden (swe), Switzerland (che), Thailand (tha), United Kingdom (uk), United States (us)

Task guides

A task guide is a controlled, guided, interactive experience that leads you through the steps of a task, or business process. You can open (play) a task guide from the Help pane. When you first click a task guide, the Help pane will show the step-by-step instructions for the task. Localized task guides are now available.

Task guide steps

To begin the guided, interactive experience, click Start task guide at the bottom of the Help pane. A black pointer opens and indicates the action that you have to perform. Follow the directions that appear in the UI, and enter data as directed.

Task guide playback

Important: The data that you enter when you play a task guide is real. If you’re in a production environment, the data will be entered in the company that you’re currently using.

It all begins with Task Recorder

Task guides are created by using Task Recorder. The Task Recorder tool was available in previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX but has been greatly enhanced in Dynamics AX. When you use Task Recorder, all the actions that you perform in the Dynamics AX UI (such as clicking menus, changing settings, and entering data) are recorded.

The steps that you record are collectively called a task recording. As we explained in the previous section, task recordings can be displayed in the Help pane and played as task guides. However, there are other ways that you can use task recordings:

  • Save task recordings to BPM – You can save a task recording to a line of a hierarchy in a BPM library in LCS. When you save a task recording to BPM, a flowchart diagram is generated and displayed, together with the steps of the recording.
    Note: To display a task recording in the Dynamics AX Help pane and play it as a task guide, you’ll have to save the recording to a BPM library.
  • Save task recordings as Word documents – By saving a task recording as a Microsoft Word document, you can easily produce printable training guides for your organization.

For more information about Task Recorder, see Task recorder in AX.

Creating customized task recordings

You can create your own task recordings, or you can download and customize task recording that Microsoft provides. Therefore, you can create customized Help for your organization that reflects your specific Dynamics AX implementation.

To display a task recording in the Dynamics AX Help pane and play it as a task guide, you’ll have to save the recording to a BPM library in LCS. If you’re a partner, and you promote a library to a corporate library and include it in a solution, it will be available to your customers.

For complete instructions, see Using task recordings to create documentation or training.

In-product Help

To access Help content within Dynamics AX, either click the Help (?) icon or press Ctrl+Shift+?. In both cases, the Help pane opens. From the Help pane, you can access wiki articles or task guides.

Dynamics AX page with visible help

Accessing wiki articles from the Help pane

From the Help pane, you can access wiki articles that apply to the Dynamics AX client.

When you first open the Help pane and click the Wiki tab, you’ll see the wiki articles that apply to the page that you’re currently on in Dynamics AX. If no wiki articles are found, you can enter keywords to refine your search.

When you click a wiki article in the Help pane, a new tab opens in your browser and displays the wiki article.

Example of a wiki article

Accessing task guides from the Help pane

Before you can access task guides from the Help pane, a System administrator has to go to the System parameters page in Dynamics AX and configure some settings.


  • In order to configure help, you must be signed in with an account in the same tenant as the tenant in which AX is deployed.
  • It is  not possible to connect to an LCS library from an instance of Dynamics AX running in a local virtual hard drive (VHD).

On the System parameters page, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Lifecycle Services project to connect to.
  2. Select the BPM libraries (within the selected project) to retrieve task recordings from.
  3. Set the display order of the BPM libraries. This determines the order in which task recordings from the libraries will appear in the Help pane.

After a System administrator has completed these steps, you can open the Help pane and click the Task guides tab. You’ll now see the task guides that apply to the page that you’re currently on in Dynamics AX. If no task guides are found, you can enter keywords to refine your search.

After you click a task guide in the Help pane, the Help pane shows the step-by-step instructions, and you can play the task guide.

Task guide steps

Where are the translated task guides?

Translated task guides were shipped in the May APQC Unified Library, and the Getting Started library. In Microsoft Dynamics AX, to see localized task guide help, make sure that you are connected to the May library. The language that a task guide appears in is controlled for each user by the Language settings under Options > Preferences.

Note: Even though many task guides have been translated, right now the Dynamics AX client is not showing the translated task guide names. Also, only the task guides that were released in February are available in translation in the May library at this point. We will release an updated library with additional translations.

  • If a task guide has been translated, when you open that task guide all the text of the task guide will appear in your selected language.
  • If a task guide has not yet been translated, when you open it, only some of the text (the text of the controls) will appear in your selected language.

Additional resources

The following table lists websites that provide Microsoft Dynamics AX content. Our content websites are organized to support the customer life cycle. Each phase is supported by a different set of sites. Sites that have an asterisk (*) next to the name require that you sign in by using an account that is associated with a service plan.

Site Description
Dynamics AX Help wiki Hosts or links to all product documentation for Dynamics AX.
Lifecycle Services* Provides a cloud-based collaborative workspace that customers and partners can use to manage Dynamics AX projects from pre-sales to implementation and operations. This site is useful in all phases of an implementation.
CustomerSource* Hosts extensive training resources and is the primary support site for Dynamics AX. Sign in may be required to access specific resources on the site.
AX Support blog Provides tips and tricks that are posted by the Dynamics AX Support team.
Note: This site doesn’t contain Dynamics AX content yet.
MSDN Hosts content from previous releases that is written for developers. In the future, this site will host landing pages that link to Dynamics AX content.
TechNet Hosts content from previous releases that is written for IT professionals and application users. In the future, this site will host landing pages that link to Dynamics AX content.
Dynamics Community Hosts blogs, forums, and videos.
Note: This site doesn’t contain Dynamics AX content yet.
Microsoft.com/Dynamics/AX Provides evaluation and sales information.

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