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New task guides available (February 2016)

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Task guides in the (February 2016) APQC Unified Library for Microsoft Dynamics AX

The (February 2016) APQC Unified library contains the task guides that are intended to be used for Help with the Dynamics AX 7.0.0 release.

If you need localized versions of these task guides, they are available in the (May 2016) APQC Unified Library for Microsoft Dynamics AX.

For more information about how to connect the help system to a task guide library, see Get started with Help.

Accounts payable

BPM Line Country/Region
Key invoice data in AP system using vendor invoice Global
Key invoice data into AP system using invoice journal Global
Key invoice data into AP system using invoice pool Global
Key invoice data into AP system using invoice register Global
Record vendor invoice and match against received quantity Global
Set up Accounts payable invoice matching validation Global
Set up vendor invoice policies Global


Accounts receivable

BPM Line Country/Region
Assign a recurring free text invoice template to a customer Global
Create a collection letter sequence Global
Create a direct debit mandate for a customer Global
Create a free text invoice template Global
Create a write off journal for a customer Global
Create an interest code with a range Global
Create and process free text invoices Global
Create sales order invoices Global
Generate and post recurring free text invoices Global
Process collection letters Global
Process interest Global
Review collections information Global
Set up and generate accounts receivable aging information Global


Cash and bank management

BPM Line Country/Region
Create a bank facility agreement for letter of credit Global
Create a bank facility agreement for letter of guarantee Global
Customer payments overview Global
Define vendor payment fees Global
Define vendor payment terms Global
Deposit customer payments Global
Establish customer method of payment Global
Establish customer payment fees Global
Establish customer payment terms Global
Export letter of credit Global
Import letter of credit Global
Letter of guarantee transaction Global
Register and post a postdated check for a customer Global
Register and post a postdated check for a vendor Global
Set up bank facilities and posting profiles for letter of credit Global
Set up bank facilities and posting profiles for letters of guarantee Global
Set up postdated checks Global
Settle a postdated check for a vendor Global
Settle a postdated check from a customer Global
Vendor payment overview Global



BPM Line Country/Region
Define audit policies for source documents Global


Cost management

BPM Line Country/Region
Compare active, estimated, and realized costs on a production order Global
View cost entries for a cost object Global
View cost object balance Global
View current WIP status on a production order Global
View inventory statement and KPI by cost object Global


Country/Region functionality

BPM Line Country/Region
Add BAS report boxes and generate the Australia Business Activity Statement BAS Australia and New Zealand
Set up reason codes for Australia BAS Australia and New Zealand
Assign a payment slip format to a customer account Denmark
Create and post a customer invoice for a public sector customer Denmark
Create and post a free text invoice for a public sector customer Denmark
Create and post a project invoice for a public sector customer Denmark
Import OIOUBL electronic invoicing configurations Denmark
Post a free text invoice with a payment slip Denmark
Post a project invoice with a payment slip Denmark
Post a sales invoice with a payment slip Denmark
Set up customer accounts for OIOUBL electronic invoicing Denmark
Set up payment slip format Denmark
Setup payment slip format for project invoices Denmark
Create and export vendor payments using a SEPA payment format Europe
Create payments for customer who have direct debit mandates Europe
EUR-00011 Generate the EU sales list report Europe
EUR-00011 Set up EU sales list reporting Europe
EUR-00012 Issue an EU entry certificate Europe
EUR-00012 Receive an EU entry certificate Europe
Import SEPA credit transfer configuration Europe
Import SEPA direct debit configuration Europe
Set up company bank accounts for SEPA credit transfers Europe
Set up company bank accounts for SEPA direct debits Europe
Set up customers and customer bank accounts for SEPA direct debits Europe
Set up method of payment for SEPA credit transfer Europe
Set up method of payment for SEPA Direct debit Europe
Set up vendors and vendor bank accounts for SEPA credit transfers Europe
FR-00002 Customer and vendor account statements France
FR-00004 Post protest draw bill of exchange journal France
FR-00004 Post re-draw bill of exchange journal France
FR-00004 Setup method of payment France
FR-00018 Daily interest calculation for late payment and lump sum in the invoice and collection letter France
Customize German audit file configuration Germany
DE-00002 Depreciation adjustments for additional acquisitions in the second year Germany
DE-00003 Electronic transmission of VAT declaration (ELSTER) Germany
Generate German audit file Germany
Import German audit file configuration Germany
Create a vendor account and attach the invoice declaration Iceland
IS-00005 VAT reconciliation report Iceland
Set up an invoice declaration for vendors Iceland
Set up mandatory payment references Iceland
Update vendor invoice declarations and generate the report Iceland
Acquire a fixed asset with asset retirement obligations Japan
Acquire fixed assets, claim for the government grant and apply reduction entry Japan
Adjustment of the asset retirement obligation estimate Japan
Allocate carrying amount of shared asset and goodwill to cash generating units Japan
Change the depreciation method during the asset life for one asset Japan
Change the depreciation method during the asset life for value model Japan
CN-00004 Fixed asset depreciation allocation (JP-) Japan
Configure depreciation profile and posting profile for additional depreciation Japan
Configure depreciation profile and posting profile for special depreciation Japan
Configure main accounts for asset retirement obligation posting and market discount rates Japan
Create a fixed asset with additional depreciation Japan
Create a fixed asset with special depreciation profile Japan
Create accelerated depreciation profile and assign it to value model Japan
Create an accelerated depreciation document and enter usage data Japan
Create and assign equipment group Japan
Create and assign reduction entry document Japan
Create and confirm a customer consolidated invoice Japan
Create and confirm a vendor consolidated invoice Japan
Create and confirm recognition test Japan
Create CGU groups and cash generating units Japan
Create lump sum depreciation assets using equally divided method Japan
Depreciate and accrue the interest expense for asset retirement obligations Japan
Depreciation of fixed assets with reduction entry posted Japan
Enable JBA payment file format Japan
Enter depreciation rate schedule and associate to depreciation profile Japan
Generate and post payment fee Japan
Generate EFT payment file with JBA format Japan
Generate Japan consumption tax report Japan
Import customer payment with JBA file format Japan
Inquiries of payment fee on journal Japan
Inquiries of the asset retirement obligation related transactions Japan
Inquiry on deductible expenses Japan
JP-00005 Input journal in T account form (Japan) Japan
Maintain fixed-asset master data files for deductible expenses Japan
Maintain impairment indicators on individual assets Japan
Pay a vendor transaction by endorsing a customer bill of exchange Japan
Periodic settlement of over and under depreciation Japan
Propose additional depreciation Japan
Propose and post accelerated depreciation Japan
Propose and post the impairment amount by batch Japan
Propose and post the impairment amount by using fixed asset journal Japan
Propose and post the impairment amount on a cash generating unit Japan
Propose special depreciation Japan
Reopen and edit a customer consolidated invoice Japan
Reopen and edit a vendor consolidated invoice Japan
Reverse an endorsed bill of exchange Japan
Run the recognition test and calculate the impairment amount on individual assets Japan
Set up a customer and sales order to be target of consolidated invoice Japan
Set up asset retirement obligation documents and enter ARO amount on a fixed asset Japan
Set up consolidated invoices Japan
Set up master data for inclusion of deductible expenses for multiple posting layers Japan
Settle an endorsed bill of exchange Japan
Settle customer consolidated invoices by using a payment journal Japan
Settle customer consolidated invoices by using settle transactions Japan
Settle vendor consolidated invoices by using a payment journal Japan
Settle vendor consolidated invoices by using settle transactions Japan
Setup impairment accounting common parameters and posting profile Japan
Setup Japan consumption tax report Japan
Setup Japan payment by endorsing a customer bill of exchange Japan
Setup payment fee for Japan Japan
Setup vendor master and purchase order to be target of consolidated invoice Japan
Use assemble list of a fixed asset Japan
Use disassemble list for fixed assets Japan
MX-00006 Set up sales tax code Mexico
MX-00007 Customer registration IDs and other information Mexico
MX-00008: Vendor registration IDs Mexico
MX-00010 Cancel an electronic invoice Mexico
MX-00010 E-invoicing CFDI Mexico
MX-00010 Enter tax registration IDs for Mexican legal entities Mexico
MX-00010 Inquire and print an electronic invoice Mexico
MX-00010 Post a free text invoice Mexico
MX-00010 Set parameters for an electronic invoice Mexico
MX-00020 – Specify the RFC registration ID for Mexican bank accounts Mexico
MX-00020 Produce Mexican electronic ledger accounting report version 1.1 Mexico
MX-00020 Set up the chart of accounts for a legal entity in Mexico Mexico
NL-00003 Semansys XBRL integration Netherlands
NL-00010 Electronic tax declarations (EVAT) Netherlands
MY-00004 Manage vendor Debit note and Credit note for GST Singapore Malaysia and Thailand
MY-00005 Print GST tax invoices Singapore Malaysia and Thailand
MY-00006 01 Set up GST relief clauses Singapore Malaysia and Thailand
MY-00006 02 Print GST customer invoices with a relief clause Singapore Malaysia and Thailand
MY-00007 Self-billed invoices Singapore Malaysia and Thailand
MY-00010 GST – Generate GAF files in the required format Singapore Malaysia and Thailand
MY-00011 02 Generate Customer Debit Note for Project sales Singapore Malaysia and Thailand
MY-00011 03 Generate Customer Credit note for Project sales Singapore Malaysia and Thailand
GB-00002 Create a purchase order that includes items subject to reverse charge VAT United Kingdom
GB-00002 Create a sales order that includes items subject to reverse charge VAT United Kingdom
GB-00002 Set up item sales tax groups for reverse charge VAT United Kingdom
GB-00002 Set up reverse charge VAT item groups, rules, and parameters United Kingdom
GB-00002 Set up sales tax groups for reverse charge VAT United Kingdom
GB-00009 Create a credit note on the settlement discount United Kingdom
GB-00009 Setup parameters for credit note on prompt payment discount United Kingdom


Develop Vision and Strategy

BPM Line Country/Region
Analyze questionnaire results Global
Create a closed ended question Global
Create an open ended question Global
Make a question dependent on the answer of the previous question (Conditional questions) Global
Score a questionnaire based on Percent Global


Electronic reporting

BPM Line Country/Region
ER Define model mapping and select data sources Global
ER Design domain specific data model Global
ER Design domain specific format Global
ER Map data model to selected data sources Global
ER Select service provider Global


Expense management

BPM Line Country/Region
Configure expense management Global


Fixed assets

BPM Line Country/Region
Change depreciation conventions for multiple fixed assets Global
Create a fixed asset Global
Create and acquire assets from Accounts payable Global
Create depreciation proposal Global
Dispose of a fixed asset using a free text invoice Global
Enter an addition to a fixed asset Global
Propose fixed asset acquisitions Global
Set up and create depreciation profiles Global
Set up bonus depreciation Global
Set up depreciation books Global
Set up fixed asset groups Global
Set up fixed asset posting profiles Global
Set up value models Global
Split a fixed asset Global
Transfer a fixed asset Global


General ledger

BPM Line Country/Region
Close the fiscal year Global
Create a journal entry using   template Global
Create a main account Global
Create account structures Global
Create accrual schemes Global
Create advanced rules for journals Global
Create and assign advanced rule structures Global
Create and validate journals Global
Create consolidation groups and additional consolidation accounts Global
Create ledger accrual transactions Global
Define financial dimensions Global
Journalize posted journal entries Global
Maintain financial dimension default templates Global
Mass financial period close Global
Perform an online consolidation Global
Post periodic journals Global
Prepare a legal entity for use in the consolidation process Global
Process elimination transactions Global
Process ledger allocation journal Global
Set up a ledger account alias Global
Set up elimination rules Global
Set up main account categories Global
Settle transactions between ledger accounts Global
View journal entries or transactions Global
View related intercompany voucher from journal Global


Human capital management

BPM Line Country/Region
Analyze questionnaire results Global
Approve application inbox records Global
Benefit eligibility process Global
Create a mass hire project Global
Create loan items Global
Define benefit eligibility rules and policies Global
Define compensation process and calculate results Global
Define new departments Global
Define new jobs Global
Deliver employee benefits program Global
Develop and open job requisition Global
Develop succession plan Global
Employment verification i9 verification Global
Enroll and remove benefits for a worker Global
Enroll employees in a fixed compensation plan Global
Enroll employees in a variable compensation plan Global
Enter applicant and application data manually Global
Enter worker information Global
Hire an existing candidate through recruiting Global
Hire candidate through recruiting Global
Hire multiple employees Global
Identify and deploy candidate selection tools Global
Loan item to a worker Global
Maintain employee injury and illness information Global
Make a question dependent on the answer of the previous question Global
Manage benefit expiration dates Global
Manage email templates Global
Manage employee transitions and transfers Global
Manage leave of absence Global
Manage worker accommodations Global
Modify reporting relationships for a position Global
Set up compensation grids Global
Set up injury and illness information Global
Set up injury and illness information Global
Setting benefit eligibility policies Global
Setting up i9 document types Global


Inventory management

BPM Line Country/Region
Adjust stock levels in the warehouse Global
Check the availability of stock Global
Correct inventory tracking information Global
Count inventory in a warehouse Global
Create a new warehouse layout Global
Create and maintain an inventory blocking Global
Create and process a non conformance Global
Define inventory counting processes Global
Initialize stock levels in the warehouse Global
Inspect the quality of goods Global
Maintain barcode types Global
Register items for a basic warehousing enabled item using an item arrival journal Global
Set up arrival overview profiles Global
Set up quality orders Global
Trace an item or raw material Global
Transfer physical inventory within the warehouse Global



BPM Line Country/Region
Add a kanban quantity calculation policy to a kanban rule Global
Batch order lifecycle from create to start Global
Calculate Kanban quantity suggestions Global
Change Kanban rules for a process job Global
Configure a worker using the mobile job device Global
Copy a formula Global
Create a formula by copying from an existing formula Global
Create a production flow version Global
Create a production order Global
Create a sales event Kanban rule Global
Create a value stream Global
Create activity relation: Successor Global
Create an operations resource Global
Create fixed quantity kanban rules Global
Create new Kanban rules by duplicating existing Kanban rules Global
Create process activities for lean manufacturing Global
Create resource capabilities Global
Create transfer activities for lean manufacturing Global
Create working time scheduling properties Global
Create working time templates Global
Define calendars and working items Global
Define discrete manufacturing resource group Global
Define lean manufacturing work cells Global
Define lean schedule groups Global
Define production flow models Global
Define resource capabilities Global
Enable the time and attendance payroll process Global
End a production order Global
Estimate a production order Global
Lean pegging from sales orders Global
Manage unit of measure Global
Move scheduled Kanban jobs Global
Prepare a process kanban job when materials are available Global
Prepare a process kanban job when materials are not available Global
Release a production order Global
Remove a Kanban job from the schedule Global
Report a production order as finished Global
Report progress on a mobile job device Global
Revert Kanban job status Global
Schedule a production order Global
Schedule Kanban jobs Global
Start a production order Global
Transfer material with Kanban jobs Global
Validate production flow and version Global


Master planning

BPM Line Country/Region
Define coverage rules for items Global
Develop baseline forecast Global
Generate a constrained plan Global
Identify critical materials and supplier capacity Global
Modify a demand forecast manually Global


Organization administration

BPM Line Country/Region
Change the banner or logo Global
Configure address books Global
Configure the global address book Global
Create an operating unit Global
Set up electronic signatures Global
Set up number sequences by using a wizard Global



BPM Line Country/Region
Determine availability Global


Procurement and sourcing

BPM Line Country/Region
Create a purchase agreement Global
Create a purchase release order from a purchase agreement Global
Create a purchase release order when creating the purchase order Global
Create a requisition for consumption Global
Create a vendor account Global
Search for vendors Global
Set up a procurement category hierarchy Global


Product information and configuration

BPM Line Country/Region
Add a calculation to a product configuration model Global
Approve a product configuration model Global
Complete the basic setup of a released product master Global
Create a dimension-based product master Global
Create a hierarchy of product classification Global
Create a product configuration model Global
Create a product master Global
Create an expression constraint Global
Create batch attributes for a product Global
Create configuration rules Global
Create product model components Global
Define configuration groups Global
Define configuration route Global
Maintain BOM for a product configuration model Global
Maintain route for a product model Global
Manage released products Global
Release a dimension-based product master Global
Transfer data for product models Global


Public sector

BPM Line Country/Region
Add a certification type to a vendor for Public Sector Global
Control access to purchase agreements for Public sector Global
Create a billing classification for Public sector Global
Create a billing code for Public sector Global
Create a commitment to reserve budget funds for Public Sector Global
Create a custom field for a billing code for Public sector Global
Create a fund type for Public sector Global
Create a one-time vendor and invoice for Public sector Global
Create a preliminary budget for Public sector Global
Create a vendor certification type for Public Sector Global
Create an advanced ledger entry for Public sector Global
Create an original budget and then reverse preliminary budget entries for Public sector Global
Create and assign a trading partner code for Public sector Global
Create cover and signature pages for payments reports for Public sector Global
Import and create multiple one-time vendors and invoices for Public sector Global
Set up a derived financial hierarchy for Public sector Global
Set up a fund for Public sector Global
Set up purchase agreement classifications for Public Sector Global


Retail and commerce

BPM Line Country/Region
Add variant products to purchase order using variant weights Global
Base price and trade agreements Global
Category pricing rules to create trade agreements Global
Configure and run job to calculate statements Global
Configure and run job to post statements Global
Configure credit card processing Global
Configure linked products Global
Create a POS visual profile Global
Create a product Global
Create a product master Global
Create and associate a device Global
Create and associate a hardware station Global
Create financial dimensions for POS Registers and configure dimension values on registers Global
Create financial dimensions for Retail channels and configure dimension values on stores Global
Create online channel and define channel attributes Global
Create POS permission groups Global
Create product packages and use in purchase order Global
Define call center channel and channel attributes Global
Define channel attributes Global
Define loyalty programs Global
Define loyalty reward points Global
Define loyalty schemes Global
Design the relationships between organizational units Global
Generate and run out of box reports Global
Manage trade discounts for customers Global
Parameter configurations for Retail statements Global
Payment configurations for Retail statements Global
Perform Self service to download hardware station Global
Posting of online sales and payments Global
Process loyalty reward point adjustments Global
Push products from distribution center to store using buyer’s push Global
Release a product/product master to legal entities Global
Retail price adjustments Global
Store configurations for Retail statements Global



BPM Line Country/Region
Confirm sales orders Global
Create a new trade agreement Global
Create a purchase order from a sales order Global
Create and edit sales quotations Global
Create delivery schedule Global
Enter sales agreements Global
Fulfill sales agreements Global
Generate and process customer rebates Global
Look up applicable prices and discounts Global
Mass create sales quotations Global
Process rebates for payment Global
Register sales commissions Global
Set up sales commission rules Global
Ship orders as direct deliveries Global
Ship sales orders without warehousing Global


Sales tax

BPM Line Country/Region
Calculate and adjust sales tax on a vendor invoice Global
Create a sales tax payment Global
Create sales tax transactions on documents Global
Set up ledger posting groups for sales tax Global
Set up sales tax authorities Global
Set up sales tax codes Global
Set up sales tax groups and item sales tax groups Global
Set up sales tax reporting codes Global
Set up sales tax settlement periods Global
Set up withholding tax Global
View posted sales tax transactions Global



BPM Line Country/Region
Create new users Global
Identify and resolve conflicts in segregation of duties Global
Set up segregation of duties Global


Warehouse and transportation

BPM Line Country/Region
Associate a fuel index with a carrier as an accessorial charge Global
Configure locations in a WMS enabled warehouse Global
Create a work class Global
Define cycle counting Global
Enable license plate label printing Global
Register items for a basic warehousing enabled item using an item arrival journal Global
Set up a carrier fuel index Global
Set up a location directive for purchase order put-away Global
Set up a mobile device menu item for completing work of type Purchase order Global
Set up a mobile device menu item to register received items Global
Set up a work template for purchase orders Global
Set up accessorial assignments Global
Set up dispositions codes Global
Set up hub accessorial charges and accessorial masters Global
Set up rate masters Global
Set up shipping carriers Global
Use the Load Planning Workbench to plan loads and shipments Global


Task guides in the (February 2016) Getting started library

BPM Line Country/Region
Analyze ledger balances Global
Create a released product for a single company Global
Create and schedule a production order Global
Effective merchandising Global
Electronic reporting Global
Employee self-service Global
How to reduce your days sales outstanding Global
Introduction to AX localization functionality Global
Introduction to country-specific features to Japan Japan
Manage pricing and promotions Global
Manager self-service Global
Projects overview Global
Set up and configure channels Global


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