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GRNI (Accrued purchases) Report

网络文摘 William 3770浏览 0评论

In the U.K., a report to show Goods Received Not Invoiced (GRNI) seems to be a common requirement. Dynamics AX 2012 has an Accrued purchases report which fits the bill, but unfortunately this report has been enabled only for legal entities operating in the USA and Canada. As a workaround, I have been known to suggest using appropriate filtering on the the inventory transactions table, but this did not stop at least three projects I have worked on requesting that we enable the real Accrued purchases report.

Microsoft have provided a short example of how it is possible to remove the regional restriction on this report, but I recall the date field on the dialogue box also needed modifying to recognise dates in the UK format, so I think that this example could be a bit lacking.

Luckily, all of these problems are resolved by a hotfix that was released at the end of April for Dynamics AX 2012 R3. The hotfix is KB 3160455 and is titled ‘Accrued purchase report can be available for all countries’. I installed it into my demo VM so I could take a look at it.

The country/region restriction on the report is now completely removed, and I also see that it has a new name – ‘Accrued purchases excluding sales tax report’:

The menu item of the Accrued purchases report

The menu item of the Accrued purchases report

Unfortunately, ‘sales tax’ is normally translated to ‘VAT’ in the en-gb language, but if the report works, I think I’ll forgive that. The appearance of the report’s dialogue box has not changed, and offers the option to exclude receipts which have not been recorded in the ledger:

Accrued purchases report dialogue box

The dialogue box of the Accrued purchases report

It seems to be happy with the UK formatted date that I give it. The output itself looks like this:

Accrued purchases report

The Accrued purchases report

And at the bottom of the last page, there is a grand total.

Comparing it to the output from the report in an R3 CU8 system that I have to hand, it seems that one column ‘Value of line of PO’ has been removed, but otherwise the output is the same.




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