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Creating DIEF Entities for DocuRef in Dynamics AX

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Since it is nearly impossible to generalize the DocuRef table entity in Dynamics AX, we need to create the code that will allow the data to be inserted into the table. The biggest issue is that we need to get a RefRecId and RefTableId.

Using Customer Notes for DocuRef in AX

For this example, we will be using Customer Notes, but you can see how this would work with any other entity that can connect to DocuRef.
The first thing we need to do is edit the existing customer entity staging table (DMFCustomerEntityTable). We need to add the field to the table for the Note value we want to put into DocuRef. Make sure the EDT type is set to Note so it will match up to the Note field on the DocuRef table. For each note you need to add, create another column into DMFCustomerEntityTable.
The second step is to create a method in the DMFCustomerEntityClass class. Here is where you are going to handle the insert/update from the staging table to the DocuRef table. You can either create one of these for every note you want to create/update per customer or you can handle it all in the one method.
public void generateNote(boolean _isUpdate)
DocuRef docuRef;
str note;

note = strLRTrim(entity.Note);

if (note != ”)
select forUpdate docuRef
where docuRef.RefRecId == target.RecId
&& docuRef.RefTableId == target.TableId
&& docuRef.Name == ‘Note Name’;

if (docuRef)
docuRef.Notes = note;
docuRef.RefRecId = target.RecId;
docuRef.RefTableId = target.TableId;
docuRef.Name = ‘Note Name’;
docuRef.Notes = note;
docuRef.TypeId = ‘Note’;
docuRef.RefCompanyId = curext();

The next method that we need to look at is on the same class. In the insertUpdate() method we need to add the call to our new method.
public Common insertUpdate(Common _target, boolean _callInsertLogic = falseboolean _callValidateLogic = false)
Common                             ret;
CustTable                           custTable;
boolean                             isUpdate;

isUpdate = true;

ret = super(_target, _callInsertLogic, _callValidateLogic);

if (ret)

if (!this.parmIsCompare())
custTable = CustTable::find(entity.AccountNum);
if (custTable && (entity.AccountBalance != 0) && !isUpdate) //check for customer/Accountbalance existance
return ret;

You can see that the call is after the super call, so the insert should already be run. This means we have a recID in target that will allow us to insert into DocuRef.
You can see that using this method, we can easily add comments for a number of other entities. Simply go to the Relations on the DocRef table to see where it is hooked up to.



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