The purpose of this document is to illustrate how we can trigger the generation of AIF document service outbound message in X++.
Business requirement:
Ability to generate an AIF outbound xml message on demand.
Outbound port is configured using file system adapter.
Please find the job below to trigger an AIF document service outbound message in X++. The job uses the standard CustCustomerService class to generate outbound xml for customer data. Likewise the code can be used for any other valid document service class.
// Developed on 18 Feb 2016 by Muhammad Anas Khan // Blog: dynamicsaxinsight.wordpress.com // LinkedIn: pk.linkedin.com/in/muhammadanaskhan // Description: Trigger AIF document service outbound message static void sendElectronically( XMLDocPurpose _xMLDocPurpose, AifSendMode _aifSendMode = AifSendMode::Async) { AxdSendContext axdSendContext = AxdSendContext::construct(); AifEntityKey aifEntityKey = AifEntityKey::construct(); AifConstraintList aifConstraintList = new AifConstraintList(); AifConstraint aifConstraint = new AifConstraint(); CustTable custTable; Map keyData; custTable = CustTable::find("1101"); keyData = SysDictTable::getKeyData(custTable); aifEntityKey.parmTableId(custTable.TableId); aifEntityKey.parmRecId(custTable.RecId); aifEntityKey.parmKeyDataMap(keyData); axdSendContext.parmXMLDocPurpose(_xMLDocPurpose); axdSendContext.parmSecurity(false); aifConstraint.parmType(AifConstraintType::NoConstraint); aifConstraintList.addConstraint(aifConstraint); AifSendService::submitDefault( classnum(CustCustomerService), //Service class goes here aifEntityKey, aifConstraintList, _aifSendMode, axdSendContext.pack()); }