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AX 2012: Process AIF Gateway Queue in X++

网络文摘 William 2143浏览 0评论

AIF requires a batch job to be configured with a particular set of services to move messages into and out of the AIF gateway queue. To manually process messages in the AIF gateway queue, you can run the following job:

// Developed on 01 Jan 2016 by Muhammad Anas Khan
// Blog: dynamicsaxinsight.wordpress.com
// LinkedIn: pk.linkedin.com/in/muhammadanaskhan
// Description: Process AIF Gateway Queue manually
static void makProcessAIFGatewayQueue(Args _args)
    // Inbound
    new AifGateWayReceiveService().run();       // read the messages
    new AifInboundProcessingService().run();    // process the messages in queue

    // Outbound
    new AifOutboundProcessingService().run();   // process messages in queue
    new AifGateWaySendService().run();          // send messages




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