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Inventory on-hand movements/transfers using the mobile device menus

网络文摘 Per Lykke Lynnerup 1910浏览 0评论

In this blog post you will be able to read about how to use mobile device menus to record physical movements of inventory on-hand, both within a warehouse as well as between warehouses.

The screen shots in this blog post are taken from the new Dynamics AX, but all the content applies to AX2012 R3 as well.


Mobile devices menu items

Conceptually three different mobile device menu item processes exist:

– Movement

– Movement by template

– Warehouse transfer

Below you can read about the difference between the three mobile device menu items.


When using the work creation process Movement (Use existing work = No), the warehouse worker will need to define what is going to be moved and from where, as well as specify where to put the inventory on-hand.


This process is designed for a manual movement of inventory on-hand between locations and/or license plates within a warehouse, and the movements must be processed immediately by the same warehouse worker.

Because the inventory on-hand gets updated via work, it will be possible to transfer the inventory on-hand between locations, even though the on-hand might be reserved on a higher level (e.g. by a sales order line on the warehouse level, or reserved inventory because of a blocked inventory status).

In this process the inventory status value can also be updated during the physical movement of the inventory. If movement functionality is used to update the inventory status within the same location the setup must allow for mixed inventory statuses as part of the Location profiles settings. If this is not the case the Inventory status change work creation process must be used.

In the example below a new inventory status value named QMS is used.




Movement by template

When using the work creation process Movement by template (Use existing work = No), more options exists than for Movement. The biggest difference is that both work templates and location directives will be used to find a put location when using this mobile device menu item.

The parameter Create movement can be enabled if the mobile device menu item only should create the movement work, but not process the actual movement. Another mobile device menu item that has the Use existing work option selected can then be used to process the actual movement work at a later point in time.

Because the inventory on-hand gets updated via work, it will be possible to transfer the inventory on-hand between locations, even though the on-hand might be reserved on a higher level (e.g. by a sales order line on the warehouse level, or reserved inventory because of a blocked inventory status).

In this process the inventory status value can also be updated during the physical movement of the inventory.




Please be aware, that with the current functionality the inventory status value will be updated at the point in time of the creation of the planned inventory movement work.


In order for the system to be able to create work, a work template must be defined for the work order type Inventory movement.


And before the system can find a valid put location during the work creation process, Location directives must also be defined for the work order type Inventory movement.




Warehouse transfer

The mobile device menu item for Warehouse transfer is designed for a manual movement of inventory on-hand between locations and/or license plates between two warehouses. As for the manual Movement option, this operation must be processed immediately by the same warehouse worker and the worker will need to define what is going to be moved and from where, as well as specify where to put the inventory on-hand.clip_image010

In order to be able to process this kind of transfer, the warehouse user must have access to both the from-warehouse and the to-warehouse.


Because the inventory on-hand does not get updated via work, but via the inventory transfer journal, it will not be possible to transfer on-hand which is reserved on a higher level (e.g. by a sales order line on the site level, or reserved inventory because of a blocked inventory status). The transfer journal issue transactions will be reserved on all inventory dimension levels.

When using the Warehouse transfer process, it will not be possible to change the inventory status value either – as it can be done when using the Movement and Movement by template functionality.

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