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Trial balance transactions missing after applying KB3024254 or upgrading AX 2012 R2 to AX 2012 R2 CU9

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Trial balance transactions are missing in AX 2012 R2 CU9 when you upgrade AX 2012 R2 to AX 2012 R2 CU9 or if you install KB3024254 (which is a part of CU9 package).

Navigation: General Ledger >Common > Trial balance > Double click any record


When you select any record, the window containing transactions should open, however the grid is empty.


The issue occurs when you view the transactions of already existing data before upgrade in the trial balance form. 

When transactions are populated in the grid, the Main account column in the GeneralJournalAccountEntry table is populated. However, in this case the value is ‘0’ for Main account column as the transactions are not displayed.


In order to fix missing transactions in the main account column in the GeneralJournalAccountEntry table, you need to install hotfix KB3093861.

While applying KB3024254 or AX 2012 R2 CU9 you also need to apply KB3093861 before running the software update checklist so the appropriate data upgrade script runs to populate the MainAccount column in the GeneralJournalAccountEntry table.

If you have already applied KB3024254 or AX 2012 R2 CU9, then you can run the data upgrade script manually using this X++ job: 


 static void Job3(Args _args)


    ReleaseUpdateDB63_LedgerMinor r = new ReleaseUpdateDB63_LedgerMinor();






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– Written by: Malaika Mulla & Nikita Gavandi

– Contributor: James Wang





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