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Using WMS processes with project management activities in CU10

网络文摘 Per Lykke Lynnerup 1994浏览 0评论

This blog post describes how to process warehouse management activities related to project management when having warehouses and products enabled to Use warehouse management processes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 CU10. This functionality is also available from LCS with KB 3096930.


Processing of item requirement sales orders

When using the item requirements form it is now possible to directly Release to warehouse and access the Load planning workbench form.

Item requirements sales order processing in the warehouse management area will be done the same way as for regular sales orders. Even the capability of mixing item requirement sales orders with regular sales orders on the same load is possible. The only differences seen will be as part of the physical cost updates done through the packing slip update process. Here the packing slips will be split and the updates related to the project transactions will be directly updated to Sold.

Let’s try looking into a quick example based on the demo data for the company USMF.

A new item requirements sales order has been created and via the new menu it is possible to Release to warehouse directly from the Item requirements form.


After processing the outbound warehouse work, which will result in getting the inventory transactions updated to status Picked, and having done the confirmation of the Outbound shipment, it is time to process the sales order packing slip update.



During the actual posting, the related item requirements inventory transactions will be updated to Sold.



Processing of purchase order related to project

When processing a purchase order registration for lines referencing a project, the project inventory transactions will become physically reserved with the same dimension values as registered for the purchase order line transactions. During the purchase order product receipt posting the project issue transactions will become updated to Sold.

Let’s look at an example based on the demo data for the company USMF.

A new purchase order line gets created with reference to a project.



Before processing the inbound registration, the related project issue transactions will be Reserved ordered.


As soon as the inbound purchase order transactions gets Registered, the related issue transactions for the project will be updated with the same inventory dimension values and updated to physically reserved on all inventory dimension levels.


It is important to note that inbound ‘put-away’ work will not be created when using the mobile device purchase order receive processes. The reason for this is that during the following purchase order product receipt update, the issue transactions will become Deducted and thereby immediately removed from the inventory and therefore internal transfers between locations within the warehouse cannot be done.



Processing of production order related to project

When processing a production order linked to a project, conceptually the same will happen as in the previous scenario with the purchase order process. One key difference is with the mobile device inbound processing. When doing the Report As Finished process the receipt inventory transactions becomes updated to the status of Received and thereby the related project issue transactions will become Deducted. As for the purchase order inbound processing no ‘Put-away’ warehouse work will be created when using the RAF mobile device functionality for production orders referencing to projects.


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