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Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Xpp – Routes Import

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Xpp - Routes Import
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Routes.
Challenge: Data model changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 related to high normalization and introduction of surrogate keys made some imports more complex. The structure of tables comprising core Routes data didn't change, however the data model related to resource requirements did change and was enhanced. Please note that after you import Routes you may need to perform approval and activation of Route and Route versions, this can also be done as a part of initial import.
Solution: Appropriate tables buffers (RouteTable, RouteVersion, Route) will be used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Routes. Alternatively AxBC classes may be used instead of table buffers.
Data Model:
Table Name
Table Description
The RouteTable table contains routes, which in turn contain information that is required to guide an item through production. Each route includes operations to perform, the sequence for the operations, resources involved in completing the operations, and standard times for the setup and run of the production.
The RouteVersion table contains versions for the routes defined in the RouteTable table. A route version connects to a route and additionally has parameters that define whether the route version is valid from a certain date or for a certain quantity. A route version needs to be approved to be used. Therefore, each route version record is started and approved by the property that is stored.
The Route table contains the operations that represent the routes. Each record contains information about an operation that belongs to a route. Each operation connects to an operation stored in the RouteOprTable table.
Data model diagram:
<![if !vml]><![endif]>
ttsBegin: Use ttsBegin to start a transaction.
clear: The clear method clears the contents of the record.
initValue: The initValue method initializes the fields of the record.
initFrom*: The initFrom* methods usually populate the fields of the child record based on the fields on the parent record. Example is initFromSalesTable method on SalesLine table.
validateWrite: The validateWrite method checks whether the record can be written.
write: The write method writes the record to the database.
insert: The insert method inserts the record into the database.
doInsert: The doInsert method inserts the record into the database. Calling doInsert ensures that any X++ code written in the insert method of the record is not executed. Calling insert always executes the X++ code written in the insert method of the record.
ttsCommit: Use ttsCommit to commit a transaction.
One prerequisite that I’ll need for import is to assign a worker to my current AX User, this is needed because I’ll approve and activate BOM and BOM Version right after their creation
User – User relations  
Source code:
static void RouteXppImport(Args _args)
    RouteTable                  routeTable;
    RouteVersion                routeVersion;
    Route                       route;
    Route                       routePrevious;
    RouteOpr                    routeOpr;
    InventDim                   inventDim;
    RouteApprove                routeApprove;
    RouteVersionApprove         routeVersionApprove;
    RouteVersionActivate        routeVersionActivate;
    ItemId                      itemId = "D0001";
    RouteId                     routeId;
    OprNum                      oprNum;
    OprNumNext                  oprNumNext;
    RouteOprId                  oprId = "Testing";
    RouteOprId                  nextOprId;
    RouteAccErrorPct            accError;
    RouteOprPriority            oprPriority;
    RouteErrorPct               errorPct;
    SchedJobLinkType            linkType;
    JmgJobPayType               payType;
    RouteOprTimeQueueBefore     queueTimeBefore;
    RouteOprTimeSetup           setupTime;
    RouteOprTimeProcess         processTime = 1;
    RouteOprQtyProcessNumOf     processPerQty;
    RouteOprTimeTransport       transpTime;
    RouteOprTimeQueueAfter      queueTimeAfter;
    RouteOprQtyTransferBatch    transferBatch;
    RouteHourFactor             toHours;
    RouteCostCategoryIdSetup    setupCategoryId;
    RouteCostCategoryIdProcess  processCategoryId;
    RouteCostCategoryIdQty      qtyCategoryId;
    RouteOprType                routeOprType;
    PropertyId                  propertyId;
    RouteGroupId                routeGroupId = "Proc";
    RouteFormulaFactor          formulaFactor1;
    RouteFormula                formula;
    WrkCtrIdCost                wrkCtrIdCost;
    RefRecId                    activity;
    InventSiteId                siteId = "1";
    RouteId newRouteId()
        NumberSeq       numberSeq;
        numberSeq = RouteTable::numberSeq();
        return numberSeq.num();
    OprNum findMaxOprNum(RouteId _routeIdTmp)
        Route routeTmp;
        select maxof(OprNum) from routeTmp
            where routeTmp.RouteId == _routeIdTmp;
        return routeTmp.OprNum;
    routeId = newRouteId();
    routeTable.RouteId      = routeId;
    routeTable.Name         = "Alex" + routeId;
    routeTable.ItemGroupId  = InventTable::find(itemId).itemGroupId();
    //routeTable.Approved   = NoYes::Yes;
    //routeTable.Approver   = HcmWorker::userId2Worker(curUserId());
    if (routeTable.validateWrite())
        routeVersion.ItemId     = itemId;
        //routeVersion.Approved = NoYes::Yes;
        //routeVersion.Approver = HcmWorker::userId2Worker(curUserId());
        //routeVersion.Active   = NoYes::Yes;
        inventDim.InventSiteId = siteId;
        routeVersion.InventDimId = InventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim).inventDimId;
        if (routeVersion.validateWrite())
            // update previous operation which has their next operation set to the current operation
            select firstonly forupdate routePrevious
                        index hint OperationIdx
                        order by routePrevious.OprNum desc
                        where routePrevious.RouteId     == routeId;
            route.RouteId = routeTable.RouteId;
            if (oprNum)
                route.OprNum = oprNum;
                if (route.OprNum == 0)
                    route.OprNum = findMaxOprNum(routeTable.RouteId) + 10;
            if (routePrevious.RecId != 0 && routePrevious.OprNumNext == 0)
                routePrevious.OprNumNext = route.OprNum;
            if (oprNumNext)
                route.OprNumNext = oprNumNext;
                if (nextOprId)
                    route.OprNumNext = findMaxOprNum(routeTable.RouteId) + 10;
            if (oprId)
                route.OprId = oprId;
            route.AccError              = accError;
           route.OprPriority           = oprPriority;
            route.ErrorPct              = errorPct;
            route.LinkType              = linkType;
            route.JobPayType            = payType;
            routeOpr.OprId              = oprId;
            routeOpr.QueueTimeBefore    = queueTimeBefore;
            routeOpr.SetupTime          = setupTime;
            routeOpr.ProcessTime        = processTime;
            routeOpr.ProcessPerQty      = processPerQty;
            routeOpr.TranspTime         = transpTime;
            routeOpr.QueueTimeAfter     = queueTimeAfter;
            routeOpr.TransferBatch      = transferBatch;
            routeOpr.ToHours            = toHours;
            routeOpr.SetUpCategoryId    = setupCategoryId;
            routeOpr.ProcessCategoryId  = processCategoryId;
            routeOpr.QtyCategoryId      = qtyCategoryId;
            routeOpr.RouteType          = routeOprType;
            routeOpr.PropertyId         = propertyId;
            routeOpr.RouteGroupId       = routeGroupId;
            routeOpr.FormulaFactor1     = formulaFactor1;
            routeOpr.Formula            = formula;
            routeOpr.WrkCtrIdCost       = wrkCtrIdCost;
            routeOpr.RouteCode          = RouteAll::Route;
            routeOpr.RouteRelation      = route.RouteId;
            routeOpr.ItemCode           = TableGroupAll::Table;
            routeOpr.ItemRelation       = itemId;
            routeOpr.SiteId             = siteId;
            if (route.validateWrite())
            if (routeOpr.validateWrite())
    if (routeTable)
        routeApprove = routeApprove::newRouteTable(routeTable);
    if (routeVersion)
        routeVersionApprove = BOMRouteVersionApprove::newRouteVersion(routeVersion);
        routeVersionActivate = BOMRouteVersionActivate::newRouteVersion(routeVersion);
Please note the infolog which indicates that cost categories have not been assigned and no resource requirements have been specified. You can modify the script above to handle cost categories, in fact it would take a longer effort to accommodate for resource requirements of desired type (resource type, resource group, resource, capability, skill, course, certificate, title)
Please note that I removed approval and activation from the existing Route Version prior to importing a new one to avoid overlap (based on dates/dimensions) validation error
Route details
Please note that you can create your Route structure once and then assign to a different Route Versions (for different items) multiple times. Or you may choose to create a new Route structure for each Route Version (for particular item) depending on your business requirements
Note: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Demo Data (Company USMF) was used for this example
Version: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 RTM, R2, R3
Summary: In this document I explained how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Routes. Appropriate table buffers were used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This approach can be very handy for POC's or in situation with always changing requirements. You can also use Microsoft Dynamics AX Excel Add-in to import relatively small amounts of data. Please consider using DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) for import of significant amounts of data when performance is an important consideration. DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) provides a standard template for import of Routes.
Author: Alex Anikiev, PhD, MCP 
Tags: Dynamics ERP, Dynamics AX 2012, X++, Xpp, Data Import, Data Conversion, Data Migration, Routes 
Note: This document is intended for information purposes only, presented as it is with no warranties from the author. This document may be updated with more content to better outline the concepts and describe the examples.



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