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Update: Send SSRS Report as Email (with meaningful PDF File name)

网络文摘 William 8141浏览 0评论
A while ago I’ve described how to add a “Send E-Mail Button” to the Report Viewer in Dynamics AX 2012: https://erpcoder.wordpress.com/2013/01/07/send-ssrs-report-as-email/. In this initial script all reports were generated as Report.PDF file. However, a visitor recently asked how to generate a PDF file, named according to the documents ID, e.g. To create an Invoice PDF named as the Invoice Number in AX. Send SSRS Report per Email This can be achieved by reading the SSRS Report Parameters and create a meaningful document name based on this information.  For example, the SalesInvoice report holds a parameter RecordId, which is the RecId for the corresponding CustInvoiceJour record in Dynamics Ax.
  1. The DLL Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms is required. The DLL can be found at C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0ReportViewer . Add the DLL as Reference in the AOT.
  2. Create a table that contains 3 fields and stores the combination of Report Name, Report Design and Report Parameter. Create an index for the combination of Report Name and Report Design.Report Mailing Parameter A sample configuration for SalesInvoice looks like this: The Report Name is SalesInvoice, the Report Design is Report and the Parameter used to generate the document name is RecordId. Report Mailing Parameter for SalesInvoice
  3. Add a find and exist method to the table
    public static ERPReportMailParameter find(SrsReportName _name, SrsReportDesignName _design, boolean _forupdate = false) { ERPReportMailParameter parm; parm.selectForUpdate(_forupdate);    select firstOnly parm where parm.ReportName == _name && parm.ReportDesignName == _design;    return parm; }
    public static boolean exist(SrsReportName _name, SrsReportDesignName _design) { return ERPReportMailParameter::find(_name,_design).RecId > 0; }
  4. Create the following documentName* methods to generate the name of the PDF file. These methods are called by the SrsReportViewer Form to get a meaningful name for the PDF file in the mail.
    public static str documentName(SRSReportName _name, SRSReportDesignName _design, Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.LocalReport _report) { Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameterInfoCollection parms; Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameterInfo reportParm; System.Collections.IList list; System.Object value; str documentName = "Report";    // default value str parameterName = ""; str parameterValue = "";     // Is a parameter configured if(ERPReportMailParameter::exist(_name,_design)) { parameterName = ERPReportMailParameter::find(_name,_design) .ReportParameter; parms = _report.GetParameters(); reportParm = parms.get_Item(parameterName); list = reportParm.get_Values(); value = list.get_Item(0); parameterValue = value.ToString();         // Call document specific logic to determine the document name switch(_name) { case "SalesInvoice": documentName = ERPReportMailParameter::documentNameSalesInvoice (parameterValue); break; default: break; } }    return documentName; }
  5. public static str documentNameSalesInvoice(str _parameterValue) { RecId recId = str2int64(_parameterValue); return CustInvoiceJour::findRecId(recId).InvoiceId; }
  6. At the SrsReportViewer Form, modify the init() method so the report parameters are always visible.
    public void init() { boolean showReportViewerParameters;     super();     if(this.controller()) {         // showReportViewerParameters = this.controller() .parmShowReportViewerParameters();         this.setFormCaption();         // set form help context. this.setFormHelpContext(); } else { //showReportViewerParameters = false;     }     showReportViewerParameters = true;
  7. Add a Send button to the Button Group image
  8. Modify the clicked Method
    void clicked() { Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Frameworks.Controls.ReportViewer.AxReportViewer axviewer;    Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportViewer nviewer; Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.LocalReport report; ERPReportMailParameter mailParameter;    str parameterName; str reportName; str reportPath; int dot; int slash; str documentName = "Report";    SRSReportName srsReportName; SRSReportDesignName srsReportDesignName;    System.Exception ex; System.Array bytear; System.Object no; System.IO.File file; str tmpPath; System.IO.FileStream fs; SmmOutlookEmail smmOutlookEmail = new SmmOutlookEmail();    super(); axviewer = AxReportViewer.control(); nviewer = axviewer.get_ReportViewerControl();    try { report = nviewer.get_ServerReport(); reportPath = report.get_ReportPath();       // cut the report server path slash = strFind(reportPath,"/",strLen(reportPath), strLen(reportPath)*-1);       reportName = subStr(reportPath,slash+1,strLen(reportPath)-slash);       // split name and design dot = strFind(reportName,".",strLen(reportName), strLen(reportName)*-1);       srsReportName = subStr(reportName,1,dot-1); srsReportDesignName = subStr(reportName,dot+1, strLen(reportName)-dot);       documentName = ERPReportMailParameter::documentName (srsReportName,srsReportDesignName,report);       //render as PDF bytear = report.Render("PDF"); no = bytear;       //path to temp. files tmpPath = System.IO.Path::GetTempPath(); tmpPath = tmpPath + documentName + ".pdf";       //save to file fs = System.IO.File::Create(tmpPath); fs.Write(no,0,bytear.get_Length()); fs.Flush(); fs.Close();       //open outlook email if (smmOutlookEmail.createMailItem()) { smmOutlookEmail.isHTML(true); smmOutlookEmail.addFileAsAttachment(tmpPath); smmOutlookEmail.sendEMail(smmSaveCopyofEmail::No); } } catch(Exception::CLRError) { ex = CLRInterop::getLastException(); info(ex.ToString()); } }
  9. Compile in X++ and IL and test it



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