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CIL Generation problems

网络文摘 William 2349浏览 0评论
Lately i had some trouble generating CIL. I got some Errors in standard Classes like Retail and SysQuery. CIL-Generierung: Error 1. Class: SysQuery, Method: queryAddStaticCursorAsRangeAndValue, Exception: System.ArgumentException: Type QueryBuildStaticlink was not found in the CIL that was generated from X++. ClassesSysQueryqueryAddStaticCursorAsRangeAndValue ClassesRetailStatementPostSalesOrderscreateAggregatedSaleLines Err: 351 ClassesRetailStatementPostSalesOrderscreateSalesOrders Err: 351 To get rid of the sysQuery error the following steps did the trick:
  1. Compile SysQuery Class
  2. Start Full CIL Generation
When these steps doesn't solve the problem another option is to deleter CIL Files and restart Full CiL:
  1. Stop the AOS
  2. Delete files in this folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\bin\XppIL\source
  3. Start the AOS again
  4. Start full CIL generation



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