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[已解决]数据实体EcoResReleasedProductCreationV2Entity出现问题–执行代码出错。 表’InventTableModule中不存在ID为’0’的字段 / [Solved] Issue with data entity EcoResReleasedProductCreationV2Entity – Error executing code. The field with Id ‘0’ does not exist in table ‘InventTableModule

网络文摘 William 1133浏览 0评论

Hi Folks,

There are two data available in system EcoResReleasedProductV2Entity and EcoResReleasedProductCreationV2Entity with a similar appearance. Let’s first understand the use of each, To create release products in the system user has to use EcoResReleasedProductCreationV2Entity while updating release products user have to use EcoResReleasedProductV2Entity.

Now let's discuss the error which I was facing while using EcoResReleasedProductCreationV2Entity data entity to create release product. Below is the error message.

"Result: Error executing code. The field with Id '0' does not exist in table 'InventTableModule'. "

Now to fix this issue you need to install one hotfix in your system which is suggested by Microsoft. Go to your LCS project and search for KB4559650, 


now you have to install this KB on your machine. On successful deployment, you should be able to use this data entity to release product import.


-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us. https:fb.com/theaxapta




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