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通过DMF导出多个实体随机失败 / Exporting multiple entities through DMF fails randomly

网络文摘 William 1065浏览 0评论
We’re exporting different portions of data from our Dynamics 365 F&O to a BYOD in different frequencies. On several occasions – one might even call it frequently – we’ve been seeing the export failing on some entities (it changes in waves) with a limited level of error messages to troubleshoot from:
Error text: Export execution failed for entity <Entity name>: Export failed while copying data from staging to destination The result was the target database having changed records twice in the target table. A before and an after record. The solution appears to be splitting the export job into a 1:1 setup with only one entity in each export. I wish I had a more detailed explanation to this, but in this case it’s an I-don’t-see-the-bug-any-more-so-it-might-be-gone kind of thing.



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