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避免在现有表单扩展版本的工作流程开发中过度分层 – Dynamics 365 财务和运营 / Avoid Over layering in Development of Workflows on Existing Form Extension version – Dynamics 365 for finance and operations

网络文摘 alirazazaidi 1496浏览 0评论
Hi all,  My fellow wrote an excellent blog Post, I used it in my customization to avoid overlay methods in some of out of the box table. http://d365technext.blogspot.com/2018/07/avoid-over-layering-in-development-of.html     That article made my day and worked perfectly fine. But here one thing that article missed.  How we have to set form designer the custom workflow in list page . Something like If I copied from Sheiks sabs article.     There is error when I created on initialized of custom table in a extension class for list page . I got following error.     So it is not possible, I still not figure out. Later possible I will got they way to do so. Any how I achieved this in extension for interaction class.  I copied the  post event of initializeQuery method and copied in my class and following code will work for me. To enable or disabled workflow in list page  
[PostHandlerFor(classStr(TableListPageInteraction), methodStr(ListPageInteraction, initializeQuery))] public static void TableListPageInteraction_Post_initializeQuery(XppPrePostArgs args) { TableListPageInteraction TableListPageInteraction = args.getThis(); StatusTable RFQStatusTable = purchRFQCaseTableListPageInteraction.listPage().activeRecord(queryDataSourceStr(TableListPage, DDSRFQStatus)) as DDSRFQStatus; FormRun formRun = TableListPageInteraction.listPage().formRun();   FormRun.design().workflowDatasource(formDataSourceStr(PurchRFQReplyTable, DDSRFQStatus)); FormRun.design().workflowEnabled(true); FormRun.design().workflowType(workflowtypeStr(DSSRFQCaseWFType));   }
  It works for me



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