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Dynamic 365 财务和运营 18年10月版新增功能概述

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Dynamic 365 财务和运营 新增功能概述 Overview of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

18年10月版 October ’18 release

本主题描述了18年10月版即将发布的财务和运营的主要新增功能。This topic describes the theme areas for the October ’18 release of Finance and Operations.

专注于基础 Focus on fundamentals

18年10月的发布继续扩大社区的支持力度。 这允许社区构建与财务和运营应用程序集成的可扩展解决方案。Microsoft管理平台和财务报告的持续更新,无需进行昂贵的升级。 客户可以选择完全数据驻留的在线财务和运营
订阅。 所有客户数据和代码都将包含在他们选择的数据区域中。 数据驻留将在欧洲提供,然后扩展到其他地区。

The October ’18 release continues to expand supportability efforts for the community. This allows the community to build extensible solutions integrated with the Finance and Operations application.
Microsoft manages the continuous updates of the platform and financial reporting with no costly upgrades required. Customers can opt for a fully data-resident online Finance and Operations
subscription. All customer data and code will be contained in the data region of their choice. Data residency will be made available in Europe and then expanded to other regions.

•改善业务用户体验。 业务用户可以通过保存和共享优化的数据视图,根据值列表对数据进行分组,按日期过滤以及允许按列标题进行类似Excel的过滤来获得基本的日常工作效率提升。 商业用户希望控制他们的体验。 个性化功能使他们能够在网格中添加/删除列并隐藏任何字段以简化和提高数据输入的速度。

• Improving the business user experience. Business users see fundamental day-to-day productivity gains by being able to save and share optimized views of data, group data based on a list of values, filter by date, and allow for Excel-like filtering by column headers. Business users want control of their experience. Personalization capabilities empower them to add/remove columns from a grid and hide any field to simplify and increase the speed of data entry.

•提高生产力,控制力和可审计性。 通过数据输入增强功能,客户可以提高工作的速度和准确性。 对新主数据的附加控制使公司能够洞察和跟踪其关键业务流程。 通过使用多种货币翻译的额外分类账数据,客户可以获得更好的报告,可审计性和反钻。

• Increasing productivity, control, and auditability. Customers increase the speed and accuracy of their work with data entry enhancements. Additional controls for new master data provide companies insight into and tracking of their key business processes. Customers gain improved reporting, auditability, and drill-back with additional subledger data translated in multiple currencies.

•扩大全球覆盖范围。 在阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)和俄罗斯设有办事处的全球或区域客户可以开始使用财务和运营部门; 此版本支持这些国家/地区的监管要求。

• Extending global coverage. Global or regional customers with offices in United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Russia can start using Finance and Operations; this release supports regulatory requirements for these countries.

注意:俄罗斯本地化仅适用于内部部署。 18年10月的发布涵盖了俄罗斯几个主要的本地化区域。 其余的俄罗斯本地化区域的目标是2018年年底之前的普遍可用性。俄罗斯零售本地化和俄罗斯薪资计划尚未公布。 在18年10月发布的版本中,我们还对我们的全球电子报告(GER)和全球税务引擎(GTE)进行了多项改进,以便为高级用户提供更好的监管功能可配置性体验。

Note: Russia localization is available for on-premises deployments only. The October ’18 release covers several major Russia localization areas. The remaining Russia localization areas are targeted for general availability by the end of calendar year 2018. The plan for Russia Retail localization and Russian Payroll is not available yet. In the October ’18 release, we also make several enhancements in our global electronic reporting (GER) and global tax engines (GTE) to provide a better regulatory feature configurability experience for power users.

智能和洞察力 Intelligence and insights

为业务用户提供最前沿的智能和见解可以提高组织的效率和生产力。 微软已经推出了几项独立的新体验,或者与财务和运营部门一起更好地工作。

Bringing intelligence and insights to the forefront for business users increases efficiencies and productivity for the organization. Microsoft has launched several new experiences that can stand alone or work better together with Finance and Operations.

更深地集成 Better together

Microsoft 正在通过简化业务应用程序的功能和体验来改进数字工作区,从而使业务用户在跨应用程序导航时更高效。

Microsoft is improving the digital workspace by streamlining the power and experiences of business applications, allowing business users to be more efficient while navigating across applications.

•销售和服务集成。 无缝集成利用CDS数据集成商支持方案进行客户服务,财务和运营。 这些集成继续带来新的体验,例如基于项目的差旅费用,管理规划的工作分解结构支持以及支持项目经理的计费。 使用现场服务的现场技术人员可以深入了解财务和运营中存储的库存信息,从而可以更新库存水平并完成物料转移。 此外,安装或维修销售商品的公司将受益于对完整销售和服务流程的可见性。

• Sales and service integrations. Seamless integrations leverage the CDS data integrator support scenarios for Customer Service and Finance and Operations. These integrations continue to bring new experiences such as project-based travel expenses, work breakdown structure support to manage planning, and billing to support project managers. Field technicians using Field Service have insight to the inventory information stored in Finance and Operations, allowing them to update inventory levels and complete material transfer. In addition, companies installing or servicing sold goods will benefit from visibility to the full sales and service process.

•Dynamics 365 for Talent 集成。 CDS数据集成商为使用财务和运营以及Dynamics 365 for Talent的员工提供双向集成。 随着这些系统之间共享数据,员工将体验到无缝过渡。

• Dynamics 365 for Talent integration. The CDS data integrator provides two-way integration for employees who are using Finance and Operations and Dynamics 365 for Talent. Employees will experience a seamless transition as data is shared between these systems.

•法规配置服务。监管配置工具(称为电子报告)现在是一项独立服务。此服务允许使用多个版本的财务和运营以及早期Microsoft Dynamics AX版本(例如仅适用于印度的AX 2012和AX 2009)的合作伙伴和客户仅配置一次监管功能,并为各种版本使用一个通用服务。监管配置服务的目标是无代码编程方法,允许高级用户为监管报告,电子发票,支付格式和税收规则配置经常更改的法律要求,而不是在多个应用程序中编写代码。法规配置服务是监管服务的第一个组成部分,提供可与任何业务应用程序集成的监管功能。该服务允许开发人员构建应用程序以专注于其核心功能,而不是担心满足全球越来越多的法律要求。

• Regulatory configuration service. The regulatory configuration tool (known as Electronic Reporting) is now an independent service. This service allows partners and customers using multiple versions of Finance and Operations and earlier Microsoft Dynamics AX versions (such as AX 2012 and AX 2009, for India only) to configure regulatory features only once and use one common service for various versions. The regulatory configuration service targets a no-code programming approach, allowing power users to configure frequently changed legal requirements for regulatory reports, e-invoices, payment formats, and tax rules, rather than writing code in multiple applications. Regulatory configuration service is the first component of regulatory services, providing regulatory functionality that can be integrated with any business application. This service allows developers building applications to focus on their core functionality rather than worrying about meeting the increasing number of legal requirements around the globe.

Dynamics 365 for Finance和Operations的新增内容摘要 Summary of what’s new in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

本主题列出了计划在2018年10月到2019年3月之间在Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations中发布的功能。

This topic lists the features planned for release in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations between October 2018 and March 2019.

已计划的财务功能 Planned financial features

功能 Feature 发布日期 Target release month
双币种 Dual currency October 2018
查看结算交易 View settlement transactions October 2018
全局编号序列 Global number sequences October 2018
供应商和客户的特殊字段审批 Vendor and customer approvals for specific fields October 2018
数据输入维度值 Data entry dimension values October 2018
一致的验证操作 Consistent validation actions October 2018
IBAN号验证 IBAN number validation October 2018
更改现金折扣 Change cash discounts October 2018
自动分类帐结算 Automatic ledger settlements October 2018
反向期刊发布 Reverse journal posting October 2018
库存现有量报表性能 On-hand inventory report performance October 2018
通过可配置模板简化 Simplification through configurable templates October 2018
企业信用管理 Enterprise credit management October 2018
收入确认 Revenue recognition October 2018

已计划的运营功能 Planned operations features

功能 Feature 发布日期 Target release month
主计划的性能改进 Master planning performance improvements October 2018
并行期间合并计划订单 Consolidation of planned orders during parallel October 2018
紧肤 firming October 2018
密封投标 Sealed bidding October 2018
变型的单位换算 Unit of measure conversion for variant October 2018
公共部门的改进 Public sector enhancements October 2018

国际化 Globalization

功能 Feature 发布日期 Target release month
俄罗斯本地化 Russian localization October 2018
全球化 – 增强的可配置性 Globalization – enhanced configurability October 2018
法规服务,配置服务 Regulatory Services, Configuration service October 2018

已计划的平台更新 Planned platform updates

功能 Feature 发布日期 Target release month
可用性和生产力更新 Usability and productivity updates October 2018
个性化改进 Personalization improvements October 2018
其他演示数据 Additional demo data October 2018
数据驻留订阅 Data resident subscriptions October 2018
可支持性规则 Supportability rules October 2018
测试自动化支持 Test automation support October 2018
文档路由代理的故障排除 Troubleshooting for the document routing agent October 2018
升级自动化 Upgrade automation October 2018
本地部署 On-premises deployment October 2018
管理批处理作业 Manage batch jobs October 2018

集成更新 Integration updates

功能Feature 发布日期Target release month
与现场服务的整合:Integration with Field Service: Inventory and Projects October 2018
通过使用Power BI混合外部数据来扩展分析工作区 Extend analytical workspaces by mashing up external data with Power BI October 2018

分析功能 Analytics features

功能 Feature 发布日期 Target release month
BYOD October 2018
编辑分析工作区 Edit analytical workspaces October 2018
将Power Power BI仪表板固定到工作区 Pin Power BI dashboards to workspaces October 2018
实时嵌入式Power BI报告 Real-time embedded Power BI Reports October 2018

 生命周期服务更新 Lifecycle Services updates

功能 Feature 发布日期 Target release month
动态翻译服务API Dynamics Translation Service API October 2018

可用性和生产力 Usability and productivity

  • 全新的网格控件将大大提高滚动性能。
  • 全新的网格控件可以为数字列请求总计。
  • 全新的网格控件可以根据一列或多列中的值对列表中的数据进行分组。
  • 全新的网格控件可以将超过10,000行导出到Excel。
  • 全新的网格控件可以使用“批量更新”功能一次性更新多条记录。
  • 全新的网格控件可编辑控件上的超链接单击行为可链接其他Office产品。
  • 全新的网格控件开发人员可以为表单上的操作自定义键盘快捷键。
  • 全新的网格控件新增的过滤功能,包括:
    – 在日期字段上过滤时使用日期选择器。
    – 在枚举字段上过滤时查看可用值。
    – 通过“过滤器”窗格或网格列标题过滤跨法人(公司窗体)。
    – 使用户更容易找到他们想要过滤的字段。
    – 在“高级”过滤器/排序对话框中改进查找的预先输入行为。
    – 在网格列标题中启用类似Excel的过滤行为。

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