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自定义的新时代 / A new era for customizations

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随着Dynamics 365 for Finance和Operations 8.0的发布,自定义模型不仅被更改,而且已被替换。自7.0版以来,我们逐渐通过扩展启用越来越多的自定义方案,同时使开发人员避免使用覆盖编辑Microsoft代码。该路线图是约一年前宣布,今天我很高兴我们已经达到了重要的里程碑:您只能使用扩展自定义Microsoft款! 超过3个版本,我们已经在应用程序中添加了数千个可扩展点。详情请看这些页面:

我们也让X ++成为这个星球上最具扩展性的语言(根据受信任的来源) – 启用许多扩展方案,而不需要在应用程序中重构或显式扩展点。提供达到更好位置所需的功能和能力一直是相当激进的时间表。当项目开始时,我感到被复杂性,模糊性和潜力所压倒 – 从与合作伙伴,客户,工程师和其他感兴趣的各方开展的多次会议中,我了解到这些感受是相互的。感谢迄今为止的所有支持,指导,反馈和挑战 – 让他们到来,​​没有我们没有达到这个里程碑的互动。几个星期前,我身边的工程师感到兴奋。在ApplicationSuite上翻转密封位,对于工程师来说只是一个小改变,对我们所有人来说都是一个巨大的转变。 下一步是什么? 

目标仍然是让所有客户获得最新版本; 总是。8.0是旅途中的一个重要里程碑,因为我们现在已经取消了对代码升级的需求。但还有更多。我们需要不断添加可扩展性点,我们需要确保向后兼容性,我们需要在AppSource上获得解决方案,我们需要让客户活在8.0。

With the release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations 8.0 the customization model has not just been changed, it has been replaced. Since version 7.0 we have gradually been enabling more and more customizations scenarios through extensions, while nudging developers away from editing Microsoft code using overlayering. The roadmap was announced about a year ago, and today I’m excited we have reached the important milestone: You can only customize Microsoft models using extensions!

Over 3 releases we have been adding thousands of extensibility points in the application. See these pages for details:

We’ve also made X++ the most extensible language on the planet (according to a trusted source) – to enable many extension scenarios without requiring refactoring or explicit extension points in the application.

It has been a quite aggressive time line to provide the features and capabilities needed to get to a better place. When the project started I felt overwhelmed by the complexity, ambiguity and potential – from the many meetings I’ve had with partners, customers, engineers and other interested parties, I learned these feelings were mutual. Thanks for all the support, guidance, feedback and challenges so far – keep them coming, without the interactions we would not have reached this milestone.

The engineer in me had a thrill a few weeks back. Flipping the sealing bit on ApplicationSuite, was just a small change for an engineer, one giant shift for all of us.

What’s next?

The goal remains to get all customers on latest release; always.

8.0 is an important milestone on the journey, as we’ve now removed the need for code upgrade. But there is more. We need to keep adding extensibility points, we need to ensure backwards compatibility, we need to get solutions on AppSource, we need to get customers live on 8.0.

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