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聊天机器人 – 微软Bot框架 / Chat bots – Microsoft Bot Framework

网络文摘 William 2985浏览 0评论
Hi, These days i am exploring Chat bots and possible implementation with Dynamics AX 365. It is exciting new thing with lots of interesting implementations. I will share some practical details in future blogs on how we can make chat bot integrated with Dynamics AX 365 but just to create the Buzz and sharing what i am exploring right now. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/bot-service/ There is a great course available on Microsoft Virtual Academy Creating Bots in the Microsoft Bot Framework Using C# Then i am finding this good blog on configuring the environment for Chat bot development Configure environment for Chat bot for C# chatbot development Then we have good channel 9 video available https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/MVP-Azure/build-a-chatbot-with-azure-bot-service I am also seeing one practical implementation but with Dynamics CRM, This is also good interesting read. Build a Chatbot for Dynamics CRM There are lots of ideas in mind related to Chatbot Dynamics ax 365 integration that can be implemented. for example
  1. AX Admin Bot: Who can perform maintenance work on AX system, Like restarts, Sync, Compile etc.
  2. Payable/Receivable Bot: A bot who can provide you some automation, like making some analytics results, or allowing you to create Purchase order or Sales order, if you are away form your system and via Skype or any other channel you can give command to your chatbot to some stuff for you.
  3. Expense creator: A bot who can book your expenses on the fly.
  4. Health Care Bot: My company Mazik Global is doing lots of things on Health care and Chat bots on the Health care is future.  Chatbots Will Serve As Health Assistants
Keep looking this topic i will share some details demo in future blogs. Thanks Amir Happy daxing ?



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