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可扩展的产品维度示例应用程序 / Extensible product dimension sample app

网络文摘 William 1326浏览 0评论

We have just published a small sample app demonstrating how to implement a new product dimension using extension only. It is using the Extensible product and tracking dimensions framework available in 7.3. For the sake of demonstration, we have added a new product dimension named Flavor, and we are binding it to Inventory Dimension 1 field.

The sample app is available on GitHub here: https://github.com/Microsoft/Product-flavor-dimension-sample-app

Feel free to share, comment and contribute on GitHub.

What a great way to end a year with extensibility in focus. A lot has happened and especially 4 things stand out for me:

  1. Extensible inventory dimensions
    When the year started this “big rock” was by many used to exemplify the impossibility of sealing. Yet; with help from you we discovered a way forward, we delivered it, and today got feedback from an ISV on how much less code is required to add a new dimension. There are still a bit more polishing to do – but this big rock is demolished.
  2. Extensibility doc site
    The material here is the result of many people chipping in to share their knowledge. The knowledge comes from experience and interactions with community, sheer curiosity and drive. It’s a one-stop for extensibility knowledge. The site has been up for about 5 months now – and I’ve referred to it at countless occasions. We’ll continue to add more contents as we learn and grow, and this story unfolds.
  3. Chain of command
    Technically this is the feature I’m most proud of having been involved in – in probably a decade! It is simple to explain, it simplifies implementations, it improves code maintainability and has proven to solve problems we didn’t even consider during the design. Further, it justifies why X++ still exists. Without it CoC would never have happened – and who knows, perhaps one day this feature will make it into some of the main stream languages?
  4. The dedication to making this happen!
    Meeting customers, partners, peers, colleagues and friends, at conferences, over Skype, inside Microsoft, over email, through my blog and even in air planes – the passion and dedication to make this happen is phenomenal. Especially thank you for all the valid critical concerns raised and creative ideas proposed. That’s the foundation we build on, and the only one way worth succeeding: Together.

Happy holidays, and many wishes for a great New Year.

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