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Dynamics Ax printing logo’s from batch

网络文摘 Kevin Roos 2143浏览


*Edit Microsoft has released a fix for this problem contact support for this*

As all of you know the Image class in Dynamics Ax 4.0 and 2009 can only run on client. This poses a problem when you want to print for example invoices with your company logo on it. Having this found out I went to look for an alternative!

I’ve added this code to the top of the PDFViewer class in the writeBitmap(OutputBitmapField _field, OuputSection _section) method

if( isRunningOnServer() &&
    _field.name()       == #FieldLogo)
    super(_field, _section);

For the method BLOGWriteBitmapOnServer(OutputBitmapField _field, OuputSection _section) I have copied everything from the writeBitmap and started by replacing the Image object with a System.Drawing.Image object, you can make a company parameter for this file path.

img = System.Drawing.Image::FromFile(imgStr);

After compiling there are a few errors witch I’ve corrected and ended up with this code.

public void BLOGWriteBitmapOnServer(OutputBitmapField _field, OuputSection _section)
    BinData bin = new BinData();
    //Image img;
    container data, imgInfoData;
    str s;
    real x1,x2, y1,y2;
    Struct br;
    int imageObjectNo = 0;
    int newwidth, newheight;
    real pdfPreviewScale = 0.8;
    boolean generateXImage = false;
    container c;
    str fn;
    FileIOPermission writePermission;
    FileIOPermission readPermission;
    boolean grayScale = false;
    System.Drawing.Image    img;
    str                     imgStr;
    int                     widthTemp, heightTemp;
    CompanyInfo             companyInfo = companyInfo::find();
    new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop).assert();
    imgStr  = companyInfo.BLOGCompanyLogoFile;
    br = this.boundingRectTwips(currentPage, _section, _field);
    x1 = br.value('x1'); y1 = br.value('y1');
    x2 = br.value('x2'); y2 = br.value('y2');
    if (_field.type() == 10) // resourceId, DB_RESId
        //img = new Image(_field.resourceId());
        img = System.Drawing.Image::FromFile(imgStr);
        if (resourceIdImageMap.exists(_field.resourceId()))
            imageObjectNo = resourceIdImageMap.lookup(_field.resourceId());
            imageObjectNo = this.nextObjectNo();
            resourceIdImageMap.insert(_field.resourceId(), imageObjectNo);
            generateXImage = true;
        if (debugLevel >= 1)
            info ('Image in resource ' + int2str(_field.resourceId()));
    else if (_field.type() == 7) // queue
        c = _field.value();
        if (c)
            //img = new Image(c);
            img = System.Drawing.Image::FromFile(imgStr);
            imageObjectNo = this.nextObjectNo();
        generateXImage = true;
        if (debugLevel >= 1)
            if (img)
                info ('Image in container');
                info ('No image in container');
    else // string containing filename
        //img = new Image(_field.imageFileName());
        img = System.Drawing.Image::FromFile(imgStr);
        if (stringImageMap.exists(_field.imageFileName()))
            imageObjectNo = stringImageMap.lookup(_field.imageFileName());
            imageObjectNo = this.nextObjectNo();
            stringImageMap.insert(_field.imageFileName(), imageObjectNo);
            generateXImage = true;
        if (debugLevel >= 1)
            info ('File is ' + _field.imageFileName());
    if (img)
        if (generateXImage)
            fn  = System.IO.Path::GetTempFileName();
            widthTemp   = img.get_Width();
            heightTemp  = img.get_Height();
            // revert previous assertion
            // assert read permissions
            readPermission = new FileIOPermission(fn, #io_read);
            // BP deviation documented (note that the file io assert IS included above)
            data = bin.getData();
            // Get rid of the temporary file.
            new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop).assert();
            if (bitmapEncode85)
                s = bin.ascii85Encode();
                s = BinData::dataToString(data);
            objectOffsetMap.insert(imageObjectNo, binBuffer.size());
            this.appendTextToBuffer(int2str(imageObjectNo) + ' 0 obj <

This could probably been done much cleaner, but it does the job. :-)