One typical extension point is when extensible logic is delegating the responsibility of a certain operation, and is expecting extensions to provide a result. It could be a conversion, a calculation, class construction or similar.
Let’s look at the pattern, and how to be a good-citizen. |
The Batch table has a few delegates, one of them is classDescriptionDelegate.
The delegate’s signature is:
delegate void classDescriptionDelegate(Batch _batch, EventHandlerResult _ret)
The EventHandlerResults enables subscribers to return a class description for a given Batch record. A good-citizen would do something like this:
[SubscribesTo(tableStr(Batch), delegateStr(Batch, classDescriptionDelegate))]
public static void MyBatch_classDescriptionDelegate(Batch _batch, EventHandlerResult _ret)
if (_batch.ClassNumber == classNum(MyClass))
To be a good-citizen it is important to only provide a result when it is related to your extension.
A bully would set the result unconditionally, and thus overwrite other extensions. The order event handlers are invoked is arbitrary – so with two bullies you’d get arbitrary results.
The pattern
You can recognize events expecting a result:
- Their name is postFixed with “Delegate”, as in “I’m delegating the responsibility of …”
- They have a parameter that allows returning a value, for example, EventHandlerResult. Usually this is the last parameter.
- XML documentation should describe how to use the delegate – when not, “Find references” and a bit of reverse engineering is your friend.
The delegating code will typically look like this:
delegate myOperationDelegate(<input parameters>, EventHandlerResult _result) |
Please follow this pattern when implementing extensible code – remember others might be extending your solution!
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