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Transfer transactions to the Intrastat

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Sub-task: Create new and update existing commodity code.
1. Go to Product information management > Setup > Categories and attributes > Category hierarchies.
2. In the list, find or select the record “Intrastat commodity codes.”
3. In the list, click the link in the selected row.
4. In the tree, select ‘a record’.
For example, select ‘Intrastat\Speaker’.
5. Click Edit.
6. Expand the Foreign trade section.
7. Select the units which are used as additional units for Intrastat.
In the Additional units field, enter or select a value.
For example, choose ‘pcs’.
8. Indicate if the weight shouldn’t be reported together with quantity of additional units for selected commodity code.
Select Yes in the Weight not applicable field.
9. Create a new commodity code.
In the tree, select ‘Intrastat’.
10. Click New category node.
11. In the Name field, enter the name of commodity.
For example, type ‘Other commodity’.
12. In the Code field, enter the commodity code.
For example, type ‘995 00 00’.
13. In the Friendly name field, type a value.
For example, type ‘Other’.
14. Click Save.
15. Close the page.
Sub-task: Assign commodity code to product hierarchy and released product.
1. Filter to find the category hierarchy.
Use the Quick Filter to find records. For example, filter on the Name field with a value of ‘sales’.
2. In the list, click the link in the selected row.
3. In the tree, expand ‘a category node’.
For example, expand ‘Sales hierarchy\Home audio’.
4. In the tree, select ‘the category to assign to the commodity code’.
For example, select ‘Sales hierarchy\Home audio\Speakers.
5. Expand the Commodity codes section.
6. Click Add.
7. In the Select hierarchy field, select ‘Intrastat’.
8. In the list, find and select the commodity code
For example, select ‘920 20 34 Speaker’.
9. Click SelectCodes.
10. Click OK.
11. Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
12. In the list, choose the released product that you will assign to the commodity code.
For example, choose ‘D0001’.
13. Click Edit.
14. Expand the Foreign trade section.
15. A short list of commodity codes is available in the “Selected” view. The short list only includes codes that are assigned either to the category hierarchy node that the released product relates to or to the parent category hierarchy node. In the “All” view you may choose from the tree view of all commodity codes.
In the Commodity field, enter the commodity code
For example, select value ‘920 20 34 Speaker’.
16. Set up the percentage of Statistical charges. The amount of statistical charges will be included in the statistical value.
In the Charges percentage field, enter a number.
For example, enter ‘3’.
17. In the Country/region field, enter or select a country or region of origin
For example, select ‘AUT’.
18. Expand the Manage inventory section.
19. Set up weight in kilograms per unit which will be reported in Intrastat.
In the Net weight field, enter a weight in kg.
For example, enter ‘2.5’.
20. Click Save.
Sub-task: Set up Intrastat transaction codes and foreign trade parameters.
1. Set up transaction codes for Intrastat reporting.
Go to Tax > Setup > Foreign trade > Transaction codes
2. Click New.
3. In the Transaction code field, type a value.
For example, enter ’21’ for the transaction code used as return.
4. In the Name field, type the name of transaction code.
For example, enter ‘Return’.
5. Set up the basis for amounts to be reported as the Intrastat invoice value and the Intrastat statistical value, separately for Sales/purchase and Transfer orders. The respective amount will be transferred to the Intrastat invoice amount or the Intrastat statistical amount field in the Intrastat journal.
In the Statistical amount field, select an option.
For example, select ‘Empty’ which indicates that the Statistical value to be reported for transactions with Transaction code of “21” will always be zero.
6. Set up parameters for transferring transactions to the Intrastat.
Go to Tax > Setup > Foreign trade > Foreign trade parameters
7. Set up the default transaction code for sales and purchases.
In the Transaction code field, enter or select a value.
For example, select ’11’.
8. Set up the default transaction code for credit note and return order.
In the Credit note field, enter or select a value.
This value also identifies the physical return. The credit note for the physical return will be transferred in the Intrastat journal with opposite direction. For example, the return of arrival is transferred as dispatch. Otherwise, the credit note is considered a correction and is transferred with the same direction and opposite sign. For example, the correction of arrival is transferred as an arrival with negative amount and the active flag is set to “Correction”.
9. Set up rules for transferring transaction to Intrastat.
Expand the Transfer section.
10. Select Yes in the Items with commodity code field.
Select this option to transfer only the transactions with a commodity code assigned. Transactions without a commodity code won’t be transferred to Intrastat.
11. In the Transfer when meeting criterion for field, select an option.
For example, select ‘One of the selected’.
12. Review that Intrastat commodity codes hierarchy name is chosen in the Commodity hierarchy field.
Expand the Commodity code hierarchy section.
13. Assign countries to a type of region. Transactions with countries in the ‘EU’ region will be transferred to the Intrastat.
Click the Country/region properties tab.
14. Click New.
15. In the Country/region field, enter or select a value.
For example, select the value ‘FRA’.
16. In the Intrastat code field, enter the ISO code for the country.
For example, type ‘FR’.
17. In the Country/region type field, select ‘EU’.
18. Verify that number sequence have been set up for the Intrastat journal.
Click the Number sequences tab.
Sub-task: Set up Modes of delivery and rules for including charges in Intrastat.
1. Assign the default Intrastat transport method to the mode of delivery.
Go to Sales and marketing > Setup > Distribution > Modes of delivery
2. In the list, find and select the desired record.
For example, select ’20 Air’.
3. Expand the Foreign trade section.
4. Click Edit.
5. Select the default transport mode.
In the Transport field, enter or select a value.
For example, select ’02’.
6. Set up rules for including charges in the Intrastat.
Go to Accounts receivable > Charges setup > Charges code.
7. Use the Quick Filter to find records. For example, filter on the Charges code field with a value of ‘freight’.
8. Expand the Foreign trade section.
9. Click Edit.
10. Indicate if the charges amount will be included in the invoice value.
Select Yes in the Intrastat invoice value field.
The amount will be transferred to the Invoice charges field and will be summarized with the amount transferred in the Invoice amount field. Select Yes in the Intrastat statistical value field if the amount of changes need to be transferred to the field Statistical charges and summarized with Statistical amount.
Sub-task: Sell products for EU customers.
1. Go to Accounts receivable > Orders > All sales orders.
2. Click New.
3. In the Customer account field, select an EU customer
For example, select “DE-012 Litware Retail”.
4. Expand the Delivery section.
5. In the Mode of delivery field, enter or select a value.
For example, select ’20 Air’.
6. Click OK.
7. Place the cursor on the first row of sales order lines.
8. In the Item number field, enter or select a value.
For example, select ‘D001’.
9. Expand the Line details section.
10. Click the Foreign trade tab.
The transport is filled automatically from the chosen Mode of delivery.
11. In the Port field, enter or select a value.
12. Assign a charges amount to the sales line.
Click Financials.
As per the settings, this amount will be included in Intrastat invoice value.
13. Click Maintain charges.
14. In the Charges code field, enter or select a value.
For example, select ‘FREIGHT’.
15. Select the Keep check box.
16. In the Charges value field, enter a number.
For example, enter ’10’.
17. Click Save.
18. Close the page.
19. Post the invoice with date 31 January 2015.
On the Action Pane, click Invoice.
20. Click Invoice.
21. Expand the Parameters section.
22. In the Quantity field, select ‘All’.
23. Expand the Setup section.
24. In the Invoice date field, enter a date.
For example, enter ‘2015-01-31’.
25. Click OK.
26. Click OK.
27. Close the page.
28. Create the second sales order for the EU customer.
Click New.
29. In the Customer account field, select an EU customer.
For example, select ‘DE-013 Trey Wholesales’
30. Click OK.
31. In the Item number field, enter or select a value.
For example, select ‘D0001’.
32. Click Save.
33. Post the invoice with date 31 January 2015.
Click Invoice.
34. In the Invoice date field, enter a date.
For example, enter the date ‘2015-01-31’.
35. Click OK.
36. Click OK.
Sub-task: Transfer transactions to the Intrastat.
1. Go to Tax > Declarations > Foreign trade > Intrastat.
2. Click Transfer.
3. Select Yes in the Customer invoice field.
4. Click Filter.
5. In the list, mark the row with Date
6. Filter by date.
In the Criteria field, type a value.
For example, enter the filter for the period January 2015 (the exact value depends on your date format): 1/1/2015..1/31/2015
7. Click OK.
8. Click OK.
9. In the list, find and selected the transferred record.
10. Review the transferred transactions.
Click the General tab.
Review transferred data, including country\region of destination/dispatch, country of origin, weight, quantity, quantity in additional units, commodity, transaction code, invoice amounts and statistical amounts. You can modify data if necessary.

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