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How to use Serial Sales picking with Warehouse Management processing in Dynamics AX 2012

网络文摘 William 2888浏览 0评论

With the introduction of hotfix KB # 3072929 in Dynamics AX 2012 R3, you now have the ability to utilize picking of Sales serial items with Warehouse Management processing. This functionality allows you to enable serial numbers for use only in the Sales process without actually capturing the Serial number on the Inventory transactions themselves. You have the ability to utilize this functionality if any of the following is true:

  • You are operating on an AX 2012 R3 CU10 or later environment. Hotfix KB # 3072929 was introduced with R3 CU10.
  • If you are operating on an AX 2012 R3 RTM, R3 CU8, or R3 CU9 environment, then you would need to install Hotfix KB # 3072929. You can find Hotfix KB # 3072929 using LCS.

The following steps articulate an example of how to use Sales serial picking with Warehouse Management processing within the context of the USMF sample company:

1. Login to USMF.

  • Create a new Tracking dimension group called ‘SerialPick’ by taking the following steps:
  • Go to Product information management | Setup | Dimension groups | Tracking dimension groups.
  • In the Tracking dimension groups form, click New, and enter the following:

Name = SerialPick

Description = Serial – Sales process at picking

Capture serial = Picking

Register serials before consumption = unmark this

Serial number control = mark this

  • In the Grid area of the Tracking dimension groups form, mark the following checkboxes for the Serial number dimension: Active in sales process, Blank issue allowed.


  • Close the Tracking dimension groups form.

3.  Create a new Item that uses the ‘Serial Pick’ Tracking dimension group by taking the following steps:

  • Go to Product information management | Common | Released products.
  • From the Released products list page, click New | Product.
  • In the Create product form, enter the following, and then click OK:

Product type = Item

Product subtype = Product

Product number = SERIALIZED

Product name = SERIALIZED

Search name = SERIALIZED

Item number = SERIALIZED

Search name = SERIALIZED

Item model group = FIFO

Item group = Audio

Storage dimension group = Ware

Tracking dimension group = SerialPick

Reservation hierarchy = Default

Inventory, Purchase, Sales and BOM units = ea


  • From the Released products list page, click on the SERIALIZED item you just created, and then click Maintain | Edit.
  • In the Released product details form, expand the Warehouse management fast tab, and select ‘ea’ in the Unit sequence group ID field.


  • Close the Released product details form.

4.  Establish on-hand inventory for the newly created Item by taking the following steps:

  • While still in the Released product details form, click the Manage inventory tab from the Action pane at the top, and then click View | On-hand inventory.
  • In the On-hand form, click the Quantity adjustment button.
  • In the Counting form, enter the following line:

Item number = SERIALIZED

Site = 2

Warehouse = 24

Location = BULK-005

Inventory status = Available

Quantity = 1,000.00


  • Click OK out of the Counting form.
  • Close the On-hand and Released product details forms.

5.  Create a Sales order for 4.00 ea by taking the following steps:

  • Go to Accounts receivable | Common | Sales orders | All sales orders.
  • From the All sales orders list page, click New | Sales order.
  • In the Create sales order form, select ‘US-004’ from the Customer account drop-down field.
  • In the Create sales order form, expand the General fast tab, and select ‘2’ in the Site field, and ‘24’ in the Warehouse field.


  • Click OK out of the Create sales order pop-up form.
  • In the Sales order form, enter the following line:

Item number = SERIALIZED

Quantity = 4.00

Unit = ea

Site = 2

Warehouse = 24

Unit price = 1.00


  • Save the Sales order.
  • Click on the Sales order line, and then click Inventory | Reservation.
  • In the Reservation form, click the Reserve lot button.


  • Close the Reservation form.

6.  Assign 2.00 ea of the Sales order to a WHS Load, release the Load to Warehouse, and complete the Sales picking work by taking the following steps:

  • Back in the Sales order form, click the Warehouse management tab from the Action pane at the top, and then click Loads | Load planning workbench.
  • In the Load planning workbench form, click on the record on the Sales lines tab, and then click Add | To new load.
  • In the Load template assignment form, enter the following, and then click OK:

Load template ID = Stnd Load Template

Quantity = 2.00


  • Back in the Load planning workbench form, click on the Load that was just created (NOTE: Mine is USMF-000203), and then click Release | Release to warehouse.
  • Close the Infolog that opens telling you Work was created.
  • Click on your Load again on the Loads fast tab, and then click Related information | Work details.
  • In the Work form, take note of the Work ID. (NOTE: Mine is USMF-000203)


  • Close the Work form.
  • Click Control-D to open a Development workspace.
  • Login to the Development workspace.
  • Open the AOT, and expand Forms.
  • Right-click on the WHSWorkExecute form, and then click Open.
  • In the Login area, enter the following, and then click Login:

User ID = 24

Password = 1


  • In the Main menu of the Mobile device, click the Outbound button.
  • In the Outbound menu of the Mobile device, click the Sales picking button.
  • In the Scan a Work ID \ License plate ID area of the Mobile device, enter the Work ID you took note of prior, and then click OK. (NOTE: Mine was USMF-000203)


  • In the Sales order: pick area of the Mobile device, enter ‘NEWLP’ in the Target LP field, and then click OK.


  • In the Serial number field, enter 100, and then click OK.


  • In the Serial number field, enter 101, and then click OK.


  • In the Sales orders: Put area of the Mobile device, click OK.


If I now go to Warehouse management | Common | Loads | All Loads and double-click on my Load ID (NOTE: Mine was USMF-000203), and then click the Sales line serials button, I’ll see my Serial Numbers 100 and 101 that were registered from my Sales pick in the Mobile Device.


Hopefully this provides an example of how you can leverage Sales picking serialization assignment with Warehouse Management processing in Dynamics AX 2012 R3.







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