If you want to export data from Retail POS to Excel without installing Microsoft Excel, you can use one of DevExpress features to achieve this.
Here is my sample code :
using (SaveFileDialog sfdExport = new SaveFileDialog()) { sfdExport.Filter = "Excel (2003)(.xls)|*.xls"; if (sfdExport.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel) { try { DataTable dtExport = new DataTable(); //You can get your data and fill it here using (DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl grExport = new DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl()) { using (DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView gvExport = new DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView()) { gvExport.OptionsBehavior.AutoPopulateColumns = true; gvExport.GridControl = grExport; grExport.BindingContext = new BindingContext(); grExport.DataSource = dtExport; grExport.MainView = gvExport; grExport.ForceInitialize(); gvExport.PopulateColumns(); gvExport.ExportToXls(strExportFilePath); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LSRetailPosis.ApplicationExceptionHandler.HandleException(this.ToString(), ex); throw; } } }
You can fill the data table or use other type of datasource.