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Upgrade to the latest Dynamics AX update

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This topic provides an overview of the process for upgrading to the latest update. This topic is not meant to provide detailed instructions of all steps, but rather an overview of the overall process and the supported scenarios.

The Microsoft Dynamics AX May 2016 Update consists of a new Dynamics AX platform and a cumulative release of hotfixes and minor updates to Dynamics AX (February 2016). For a summary of what’s new in Dynamics AX May 2016, see What\’s New or Changed.


The Dynamics AX platform consists mainly of the following components: AOS, analytics and reporting, Office integration, data management, integration services, web client, and other binaries. It also includes the following AOT models:

  • Application Platform
  • Application Foundation
  • Directory and Test Essentials

The remainder of the Dynamics AX components are referred to as the Dynamics AX Application.

The following sections provide an overview of the overall process and the supported scenarios related to upgrading Dynamics AX from the February 2016 release to the May 2016 release.

Scenario 1: Update your Dynamics AX Application

Whether you are still implementing Dynamics AX or you are a customer that is already live on Dynamics AX, you do not need to go through a complete upgrade of your application in order to uptake new features of the Dynamics AX application. All features in the current update of the Dynamics AX application are available individually on Lifecycle Services (LCS). Each update is simply a rollup of all the individual application updates. For example, both the February 2016 and May 2016 releases of the Dynamics AX application are serviced internally from the same release branch. From an application perspective, May 2016 is simply a rollup version of all application updates made to the February 2016 version.

For more information about how to download hotfixes from LCS, see Download hotfixes from Lifecycle Services.

Scenario 2: Upgrade your custom code

This scenario describes the process of upgrading your code from Dynamics AX (February 2016) release to the Dynamics AX May 2016. Future updates follow the same process. Whether you are a live customer or in the implementation phase of your project, follow these steps to upgrade your code to the latest platform and application updates.

  1. Use the LCS code upgrade service to upgrade your code.
    • Since each update is a cumulative update of RTW hotfixes and minor features (that you may already have), the chance of conflict is minimal. However, we still recommend you run the code upgrade service.
    • This step is not needed if you are a customer running on standard Dynamics AX and have no custom code.
  2. Submit a request for a new Dev/Test environment running on the update.
    • You may need to delete your existing Dev/Test environment if your subscription does not allow for a new one.
    • Options:
      • Option 1: Customer can download Update 1 Dev VHD.
      • Option 2: If running in your own Azure subscription, deploy a new update developer topology.
  3. Complete code migration steps.
    • Connect your development VM to Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), and map to the folder that contains your upgraded code.
    • Synchronize, resolve conflicts (when applicable), build, and create deployable package(s) of your code.
    • Note: If the code upgrade service results do not show any conflicts, you can connect directly to the RTW branch of your code, but make sure you delete all Microsoft hotfixes from your VSTS project. These are the xml files that belong to Microsoft Sys layer models.
  4. Install any Update1 hotfixes that apply to the environment.
  5. Upload deployable package(s) to the LCS Asset library of your project.

For more information, see Code Migration.

Scenario 3: Customer that is live on Dynamics AX (CTP7, CTP8, or February 2016) fully upgrades to Dynamics AX May 2016.

These steps apply to a customer that is live on CTP7, CTP8 or RTW and would like to complete a full upgrade of the platform and application to the Dynamics AX May 2016.

Upgrade your code

First, upgrade your code as described in Scenario 2.

Upgrade on your sandbox environment

  1. Customer submits request to update Sandbox environment from Dynamics AX (February 2016) to Dynamics AX May 2016. The customer uses connect to submit this request.
    • Request represents acknowledgement that customer is ready for downtime.
  2. Dynamics Service Engineer (DSE) detaches the Dynamics AX (February 2016) environment from customer’s LCS project.
  3. Customer requests, via LCS, a new Dynamics AX May 2016 deployment with customer\’s deployable package(s).
  4. Customer approves configuration and signs-off.
  5. DSE deploys environment.
  6. DSE connects the Dynamics AX May 2016 environment to the copy of the Dynamics AX (February 2016) production database.
  7. DSE executes data upgrade scripts.
  8. DSE notifies customer of completion.
    • Tge Dynamics AX May 2016 environment will have the same URL as the detached Dynamics AX (February 2016) environment.
  9. Customer validates.
  10. DSE retires Dynamics AX (February 2016) environment after customer signs-off.

Upgrade your production environment

    1. Customer submits request to update Production environment from Dynamics AX (February 2016) to Dynamics AX May 2016 (Customer uses Connect).
      • Request is acknowledgement that customer is ready for downtime (Downtime may be up to 48 hours)
    2. Repeat steps 1.1 to 1.7.
    3. Customer validates.
    4. DSE retires the Dynamics AX (February 2016) environment after customer signs-off.

Scenario 4: Upgrade the Dynamics AX platform to Dynamics AX May 2016 (Preview)

If you are running a Dynamics AX (February 2016) environment that does not contain any customization of the platform AOT models (Application Platform, Application Foundation, Directory and Test Essentials), you can update your platform in place without upgrading to a new environment. This scenario is supported as a technical preview for TAP customers and partners. Contact your Microsoft Solution Architect or Program Manager and we will provide you with a deployable package that upgrades your Dynamics AX platform to Dynamics AX May 2016.

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