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How to get changes from a hotfix package

网络文摘 William 2071浏览 0评论

There were several requests asking to provide information on what exactly is changed in a hotfix and what’s included as a dependency. I understand this may be helpful when after a hotfix installation you need to merge the new Microsoft code with your customization.

Below is the description how to get hotfix changes from a Microsoft Dynamics AX hotfix package.

  1. Extract the package
  2. Go to Models folder
  3. Open hotfixinformation.xml
  4. Find <HotfixData KB=<number without KB letters>” (usually it’s a last HotfixData tag
  5. See <AffectedObjects> for list of changed objects
  6. See <IncludedModels> for list of models. These models can be found in same models folder, e.g. dynamicsax2012r3_cl4565317.axmodel corresponds to <AxModel ModelId=4565317 />.

How to create project from hotfix changes

Install the hotfix, then just create a new project and filter by the hotfix model


We do not provide hotfixes in an xpo format as their import generally brings the installations in an unsupported and unstable state. Please make sure you install all Microsoft hotfixes in the SYP layer, so to it is supported.




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