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Supportability for Integration Solution for Microsoft Dynamics AX Projects and Microsoft Dynamics CRM

网络文摘 William 1569浏览 0评论

The Integration Solution for Microsoft Dynamics AX Projects and Microsoft Dynamics CRM, is a solution that relies on the CRM Connector that allow to synchronize projects data between AX and CRM.
For details you can refer to the specific documentation:

One important info that is often missed is the supportability of this solution:

  • From Dynamics CRM point of view:
    This Project Integration supports only CRM 2013 (It’s required Update Rollup 1)
    This solution is not supported on CRM 2015 or above, neither for version older that CRM 2013.
  • From Dynamics AX point of view:
    This Project Integration supports only AX 2012 R2 (It’s required the Cumulative Update 7).
    This solution is not supported on AX 2012 R3.

Thus before to start any kind of deployment that include this Solution, be sure to review the System Req​uirements carefully.


If you need more info or you have any questions or doubts, do not hesitate to open an incident and the Microsoft Support Team will be more than happy to answer all your questions.







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