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[转]Integrate the .NET DLL with Microsoft Dynamics AX

网络文摘 William 2408浏览 0评论


    Dynamics AX provide the feature of common language runtime interoperability(aka CLR interop).This feature manages the classes in assemblies(installed with the .NET framework) which can be called from X++.There can be two ways of installing a DLL which will be referenced in AX-

    1)Add the DLL to .NET directory for Microsoft Dynamics AX where a client is installed.
    (Path eg.-C:Program FilesMicrosoft Dynamics AX50ClientBin)
    2)Add the DLL to the GAC(Global Assembly Cache) where an AOS is installed using following steps-
    -Open the command prompt
    -Navigate to the folder that contains the DLL.
    -Type the command “gacutil /i ClassLibrary.dll”

    Note:DLL assembly must be strong named.

    After adding the DLL we can reference the same in Dynamics AX.
    AOT->References->Browse and add the DLL from its location.
    Now we are ready to use the .NET assembly functionality in Dynamics AX.

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