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QuickFix:数据实体上的错误 / QuickFix : Error on Data entity

网络文摘 William 778浏览 0评论
Error message: 
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Infolog diagnostic message: 'Datasource name <EntityName>not found in the view <EntityName>.' on category 'Error'. 0
Possible cause: Check if you are using any calculated field and that method for the field is calling the wrong entity. Also, check if it points to the wrong data entity method. 
Below is the syntax
 dataEntityName      = tablestr(<EntityName>);
        Filed1 = str2Int64(SysComputedColumn::returnField(DataEntityName, identifierStr(<Datasource name>), fieldstr(<Datasource name>, CustTransRecId)));
-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us. https:fb.com/theaxapta



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