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[已解决]表浏览器无法正常工作 /[Solved] Table browser not working

网络文摘 William 918浏览 0评论

Hi Folks,

 Few days back I got a new dev box which was recently rolled out by one of a colleague.  All of a sudden it started behaving strangely. Whenever browsing a table I was getting below error.


Access Denied: You do not have sufficient permissions to open the menu item systablebrowser. Please contact your system administrator.

I double checked all the access, I got full admin access on this server but still same issue. This created more confusion when I was trying to run the debugger, I started getting below error. 

Access Denied: You do not have sufficient permissions to open the menu item sysclassrunner. Please contact your system administrator.

So to overcome this issue, double-check if the developer configuration key is enabled, in my case it was disabled and that was the root cause of these problems.


Now if you see the message on top of this form (Sysadmin > setup > License configuration) it is saying you cannot edit any record in the form until the server is in maintenance mode.

(See this link for how to enable maintenance mode in D365FO)

So first you need to enable maintenance mode on this server and then enable the development key.

Once than done, make sure you disable maintenance mode. And give it a try now, you should be able to browse a table. ( Also, the debugger is working fine as well ? )

Merry Christmas to all. Have a great holiday ahead.


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