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如何在Dynamics 365财务和运营 SSRS 报表中添加公司LOGO / How to add company legal entity report logo in SSRS Report Dynamics 365 for finance and operations

网络文摘 alirazazaidi 1527浏览 0评论
Old tip, but felt to post for future reference. Follow these steps
  1. Add field in Table / table extension with Type Container and update EDIT as Bitmap.
  2. In Data provider class, Map following statement FormLetter::CompanyLogo() to table field.
  3. Update Report dataset and verify that required added field in table / table extension appeared in dataset.
  4. Add image on SSRS designer and from Property window, Update MimeType to image/bitmap, set  use this field to Expression to dataset field.from image properties update to Dataset.  Select the image source to database.



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