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您输入的批处理任务无效。输入其他批处理任务。Dynamics 365财务和运营 / The batch task you entered is not valid. Enter a different batch task. Dynamics 365 for finance and operations

网络文摘 alirazazaidi 1383浏览 0评论
在开发过程中,当我尝试键入需要在批处理中运行的新创建的类时,我收到了此错误。 那个类我手动输入,因为它没有出现在批处理作业中的列表新任务表单中。 During development, I got this error, when try to type newly created class that need to be run in batch processing. That class I manually type because it was not appear in a list new task form inside batch job. 后来我发现我没有实现RunBaseBatch的canGoBatchJournal()方法 在我的类中添加以下代码片段后,它将开始显示在批处理作业任务列表中。 Later I found that I did not implement the canGoBatchJournal() method of RunBaseBatch After adding following code snippet in my class, it will start to show in batch job task list.



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