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Microsoft Dynamics AX – Customer Credit Limit Management – Sales Order Check (iii)

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In the previous blog post I have explored Microsoft Dynamics AX – Customer Credit Limit Management – Sales Order Check (ii), where creating sales order by 1000 USD for customer has -250 USD as balance.

In this post I have added a 150 USD as a credit limit the current balance is  (400 USD)




















Open balance: -250  “Current customer balance from customer advanced collections, and open sales orders”
Current order: 1,000.00 “Current sales order amount” 
New balance: 750.00
Credit limit: 150 “Non cash credit limit which assigned to customer”
Credit excess: 600.00 “Amount exceeded from customer balance”

Open balance = – customer advanced collection + open sales order amount  

New balance =  Open balance + Current order

Credit excess = New balance – credit limit  




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