Errors I faced when handling with Azure power shell
Install Azure power shell


Orignal command in whitepaper | Description | Resolution/Sample commands in my lab |
Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber | Install Azure PS | Check windows PS version. Make sure 5.1 at a minimum. |
Login-AzureRmAccount | Connect Azure PS with your Azure subscription | Connect-AzAccount |
Get-AzureRmSubscription | learn the subscriptions that are available and then select one of them | Get-AzSubscription |
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId <“subscriptionId”> | learn the subscriptions that are available and then select one of them | Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId “your Azure subscription ID” |
New-AzureRmServiceBusNamespace -ResourceGroupName <-resourceGroupName-> -NamespaceName <-serviceBusName-> -Location <-WestUS-> | Create Service bus with Azure PS | New-AzServiceBusNamespace -ResourceGroupName LeoResourceGroup20190115 -NamespaceName LeoServiceBus20190115 -Location ‘Southeast Asia’ |
Mobile connector
As of now (Feb 2019), version of the latest mobile connector is 8.2.387.0. Note – you always need to download the latest mobile connector from above link to configure this feature. Due to the topology change, old connector doesn’t support latest SAS.
Side notes for connector–
- Mobile connector doesn’t have to be installed in AOS servers. You can install it on any server you like. No AX component is required for mobile connector.
- If you run into below error when opening mobile connector UI, this is because the mobile connector service is in Stopped status. Simply start it from windows service list then you’ll be good to fix this issue and start the UI.

- ADFS is not required for workflow approval via email. So, you can enter any value when configuring parameters on connector UI for ADFS. Only 4 parameters as below are required for workflow approval via email. All rest you can just provide some dummy values for them.
- Azure service namespace – it’s the service bus name LeoServiceBus20190115
- Azure service identity name – use default sendlisten
- Azure service identity password – primary key in SB > SAS > Primary key
- Endpoint URI of EmailApprovalsServices – Just replace the placeholder which is the AOS name. Sample : net.tcp://DAX2012R3:8201/DynamicsAx/Services/EmailApprovalsServices
Test result
Below is my received sample email for workflow approval.

Side notes for troubleshooting
When you test the approval via email by clicking the link in email, you might get below error information and cannot proceed with approve/reject.