Dynamics 365财务和运营有关扩展自定义的最佳博客文章和文章列表 / List of best blog post and article for Customization with extensions. Dynamics 365 for finance and operations
- 10.0.39 中的管理员调配工具在哪里?/Where is admin Provisioning tool in 10.0.39. vm
- 修复在导入 D365FO .bacpac 时 “此版本的 SQL Server 不支持‘KILL DATABASE CONNECTION’权限 ”的问题 (10.0.39)/Fix “The permission ‘KILL DATABASE CONNECTION’ is not supported in this version of SQL Server” while importing a D365FO .bacpac (10.0.39
- VendPackingSlipTrans and VendInoiceTrans 表关系/Relation between VendPackingSlipTrans and VendInoiceTRans D365 Finance and Operation
- 如何在 D365 F&O 中手动创建物料批次/How to create Item Batch manually in D365 F&O
- Consignment Inventory Handling in D365 Finance and Operations
- 通过移动设备取消采购订单行登记数量或通过 D365FO 中的采购订单删除库存/Unregister Purchase Order line register quantity which is received via mobile device OR Remove Stock via PO in D365FO