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零售类别管家,在#Dyn365FO中简化您对已发布产品的导入 / Retail category managers, Simplify your import of released products in #Dyn365FO

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It is a category manager’s job to try to maximize profit from selling products within a specific category. This may be looking after a broad category such as ‘confectionery’ or they may focus closely on a more specific category, such as ‘snacking’. A category manager will analyze complex data collected on shopper behavior from a range of different sources, and then translate it into meaningful information. The category manager’s duty is to ensure that their company is providing the market with the products that consumers desire. Retail Category managers love Excel. It is used for almost everything, and they perform much of the analyzing, lookup, data collection and decision making in Excel. When implementing Dynamics 365 we are often faces with large set of excel spreadsheets that needs to be imported. I have seen users import 8 different excel spreadsheets for importing products. This blog post is about how to simplify the process of keeping retail master data in single excel sheet and easily importing and updating products. For this, Dynamics 365 data management framework is used. One of the problems I often se uses are struggling with, is the issue that the source excel spread sheet is a single spreadsheet, but it needs to be imported into several data entities. For a retailer some of the most common master data entities are:
Data entity Description of data entity
Products V2 Contains Product number, Product name and dimension groups
Released products V2 Contains most fields on the released product
Item – bar code Contains the item barcodes used for scanning
Default order settings Contains information like minimum purchase quantity etc.
External item descriptions for vendors Vendors item numbers and descriptions
Product category assignments The connection to the retail category hierarchy.
It is possible to create a single excel spreads sheet that overs all of these entities, and in a single run import or update the retail products. So how to exactly do this?

Create an Excel spreadsheet with exactly the following.

I recommend creating two sheets. First one is a “read me” sheet, that explains the “template” sheet. Use exactly the column names as described here. This will make the mapping between the columns and the data entity automatic. Here I also use color coding to show what entity each column mainly belongs to.
Field Example Value Comment Tables
ITEMNUMBER 1005157 Product number Released Products, Products
PRODUCTNUMBER 1005157 Product number Released Products
PRODUCTNAME Jalla Coffee 500G Item name Released Products, Products
PRODUCTSEARCHNAME 4001392 Jalla Coffee FILTER 500G Seach name Released Products, Products
SEARCHNAME Jalla Coffee FILTER 500G Seach name Released Products
PRODUCTDESCRIPTION Jalla Coffee Original is a useful coffee that can be enjoyed on most occasions. A carefully selected mix of coffee types, mainly from Brazil, guarantees a round and full-bodied coffee with long aftertaste Full item description Released Products, Products
PRODUCTSUBTYPE Product Should always be “product” Released Products, Products
PRODUCTTYPE Item Item or Service Released Products, Products
STORAGEDIMENSIONGROUPNAME SiteWhLoc Name of the storage dimension group Released Products, Products
ISPURCHASEPRICEAUTOMATICALLYUPDATED Yes/No Should last purchase price be updated automatically Released Products
ISUNITCOSTAUTOMATICALLYUPDATED Yes/No Should cost purchase price be updated automatically Released Products
PRODUCTGROUPID WHI WHI(warehouse controlled) or, SRV(service) Released Products
INVENTORYUNITSYMBOL PCS Inventory unit Released Products
PURCHASEUNITSYMBOL PCS Purchase unit Released Products
SALESUNITSYMBOL PCS Sales unit Released Products
PURCHASEPRICE 0 Latest purchase price in local currency Released Products
UNITCOST 0 Latest cost price Sin local currency Released Products
SALESPRICE 0 Default sales price in local currency Released Products
NETPRODUCTWEIGHT 0,5 Weight of the product Released Products
PRIMARYVENDORACCOUNTNUMBER 20086 Primary vendor Released Products
PURCHASESALESTAXITEMGROUPCODE Middle Purchase item tax groups Released Products
SALESSALESTAXITEMGROUPCODE Middle Sales item tax groups Released Products
BUYERGROUPID P108 Grouping related to buyergroup Released Products
TRACKINGDIMENSIONGROUPNAME None Tracking dimension Released Products, Products
BASESALESPRICESOURCE PurchPrice Base sales prices on purchase price ? Released Products
DEFAULTORDERTYPE Purch Standard verdier Released Products
ITEMMODELGROUPID FIFO item model group Released Products
PRODUCTCOVERAGEGROUPID Min/Max Coverage group Released Products
COUNTGROUPID PER Gcount group Released Products
PURCHASEPRICEQUANTITY 1 Purchase price quantity Released Products
UNITCOSTQUANTITY 1 Cost price quantity Released Products
DEFAULTLEDGERDIMENSIONDISPLAYVALUE -D30-320—P108 Financial dimensions(=”-D30-320—“&B34) Released Products
Product Dimension P108 Just a helping colum Help column for DefaultLedgerDimension
ProductCategoryHierarchyName Retail category Retail hierarcy name Product category assignments
ProductCAtegoryName Coffee Category node Product category assignments
VendorProductNumber 4001392 Vendors item number External item descriptions for vendors
VendorProductDescription Jalla Coffee FILTER 500G Vendors item name External item descriptions for vendors
VendorAccountNumber 20086 Vendor number External item descriptions for vendors
BARCODESETUPID EAN13 Barcode type Item – Bar Code, Released products
BARCODE 7041011050007 Barcode Item – Bar Code
ISDEFAULTSCANNEDBARCODE Yes Scanning yes/no Item – Bar Code
PRODUCTQUANTITY 1 Barcode quantity Item – Bar Code
PURCHASEUNDERDELIVERYPERCENTAGE 20 Purchase under delivery percentage allowed Released Products
PURCHASEOVERDELIVERYPERCENTAGE 20 Purchase over delivery percentage allowed Released Products
MINIMUMPROCUREMENTORDERQUANTITY x Minimum purchase quantity Default Order Settings
MAXIMUMPROCUREMENTORDERQUANTITY x Maximum purchase quantity Default Order Settings
STANDARDPROCUREMENTORDERQUANTITY x Standard purchase quantity Default Order Settings
PROCUREMENTQUANTITYMULTIPLES x Multiple purchase quantity Default Order Settings
The template excel spread sheet columns should contain exactly the columns as listed above: Then start building the excel spread sheet (this is the time consuming part). This can also be regarded as the “master file” for products. And mass update and mass import of products is done using this file. Remember that you can add more columns and also include calculated fields. Like in this case, the default dimension (used for financial dimension have the formula like =”-D30-320—“&B34 making sure that cell B34 is merged into the financial dimension.

Create the data management import project.

In the data management workspace, create a import project, and use the “+ Add file”, and select the excel file by using the “upload and add”. Then select all the entities and what page in the excel spread sheet that should be imported. – Select file – Select entity name – Select sheet lookup – Then repeat by select entity name and sheet lookup until all date entities needed are selected After done this correctly you should have an import project with the following entities: You should also click on the “view map” symbol if there are a warning, and just delete the lines where there are no mapping generated. Like what I have done here to the “Products V2” entity. The mapping will be done automatically for you, and will only select the fields that is relevant for each data entity. Your data entity is now ready to be used. I recommend to use the data management workspace, and select the import project and then “run project” Then for each data entity I upload exactly the same excel spreadsheet : And then click on the “import”. If there are any errors, then fix them in the excel sheet or make changes to the staging. What we then have accomplished is to have a single excel spreadsheet that the category manager can maintain and work with, and it can uploaded(several times) into the import project. For trade agreement sales and purchase prices I normally recommend creating a separate excel spread sheet Then the excel loving category managers will be happy, and they can import thousands of products in a very short time



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