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如何获取已安装的软件包/模型/热修补程序列表 / How to get list of installed Packages/Model/Hotfix

网络文摘 William 1482浏览 0评论
Hi Folks, Let's see how to get details on installed packages and their model and metadata hotfix detail on an environment (non-production in case of hotfix details). There are different way available to get these list. I will show you simpler one for the quick purpose, at the end of post I will share few links with some PowerShell stuff (really cool) to get more detail around the same. 1. Installed Packages and respective model with version number
Open your application and click on gear icon > About
Expend the node ‘Loaded package and their model’, you will get list to installed packages and further drilling will give to respective model and version details. 2. Installed meta data hotfix, (Click here to check how to install metadata hotfix) To get this list go back to your DEV box VM and open Visual studio as admin. Go to Dynamics 365 menu > Addins > Apply hotfix This will open a new window , select ‘View Installed Hotfixes’ tab Here module refers to Packages while Model is same Smile Here are few more helpful post 1. https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/axsupport/2016/09/07/find-which-hot-fixes-kbs-you-have-installed-in-microsoft-dynamics-ax/ 2. http://yetanotherdynamicsaxblog.blogspot.com/2018/01/list-hotfixes-using-powershell-in.html Cheers; Harry



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