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IDMF – 配置设置 – UpdateMasterSyncTablesPostMetaDataSync / IDMF – Configuration Setting – UpdateMasterSyncTablesPostMetaDataSync

网络文摘 William 1492浏览 0评论
Consider a scenario where you are using IDMF 2.0, and you find that after each IDMF Metadata sync the Master table list gets refreshed and you then have to manually sort out the list each time by unchecking/checking tables as Master tables. Well, there’s a simple way to change that default behaviour: 1. Update AXDataManagementSchedulerService.exe.config file and set UpdateMasterSyncTablesPostMetaDataSync = false 2. Restart the IDMF service 考虑使用IDMF 2.0的情况,您会发现在每次IDMF元数据同步后,主表列表都会刷新,然后您必须通过取消选中/检查表作为主表来手动整理列表。 嗯,有一种简单的方法来改变默认行为: 1.更新AXDataManagementSchedulerService.exe.config文件并设置UpdateMasterSyncTablesPostMetaDataSync = false 2.重新启动IDMF服务



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